3 главных правила при работе с криптовалютой. Особенность криптоактивов состоит в их 100% принадлежности владельцу.

04 Jul 2023, 08:42
3 главных правила при работе с криптовалютой Особенность криптоактивов состоит в их 100% принадлежности владельцу. Он отвечает за хранение, прибыльность и убытки. При работе с криптоактивами важно соблюдать простые правила безопасности. Мы собрали 3 главных правила. Что бы вы добавили? Проверьте себя. 1. Где хранить свои криптоактивы? Биржи - место для торгов и проведения криптовалютных операций. Хранить средства на них небезопасно, поскольку ваши активы находятся на кошельках биржи. Самым безопасным местом хранения являются так называемые «холодные» кошельки. Это физические устройства, которые хранят ваши закрытые ключи в автономном режиме, без подключения к Интернету, что делает их неуязвимыми для хакерских и фишинговых атак. Также подходящим решением является некастодиальный кошелёк - это децентрализованное хранение, позволяющее только владельцу иметь ключи доступа к активам. 2. Как сохранить SEED фразу? SEED-фразы необходимо хранить в безопасном месте, к которому нет доступа третьим лицам. Лучше всего ее хранить не в цифровом формате: в записной книжке, тетрадке. Если же вы хотите, чтобы пароль всегда был под рукой, то храните ее в телефоне в заметках не полностью, вводя всегда 1-2 слова на память вручную. Также никогда не копируйте фразу целиком и не пересылайте ее в переписках. 3. Как проверить подлинность сайта? Проверяйте названия и адреса сайтов компаний и бирж. Мошенники научились делать поддельные копии, которые сложно отличить от оригинала, однако купить точно такой же домен они не могут. Не открывайте неизвестные ссылки и файлы в чатах и не пересылайте личные данные. При входе в свои кошельки также не рекомендуем использовать публичные сети Wi-Fi. Помните, что сотрудники компаний не имеют права запрашивать у вас пароли и доступ к кошельку и аккаунту. Если у вас есть сомнения при работе с сервисами MinePlex, напишите в чат поддержки mineplex.io. Ответственность за ваши данные и средства лежит на вас. Будьте внимательны!

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MinePlexPLEX #4235
04 Jul 2023, 08:44
3 main rules when working with cryptocurrency The feature of crypto assets is their 100% ownership by the owner. He is responsible for storage, profitability and losses. When working with crypto assets, it is important to follow simple security rules. We have collected 3 main rules. What would you add? Check yourself. 1. Where to store your crypto assets? Exchanges are a place for trading and conducting cryptocurrency transactions. It is not safe to keep funds on them, since your assets are in the wallets of the exchange. The safest place of storage is the so-called "cold" wallets. These are physical devices that store your private keys offline, without an internet connection, which makes them invulnerable to hacker and phishing attacks. A non-custodial wallet is also a suitable solution - it is a decentralized storage that allows only the owner to have access keys to assets. 2. How to save a SEED phrase? SEED phrases must be stored in a place that is not accessible to third parties. It is best not to store it in a digital format: in a notebook as well. If you want the password to always be at hand, then keep it in your phone in notes not completely, always entering 1-2 words for memory manually. Also, never copy the entire phrase and do not forward it in correspondence. 3. How to verify the authenticity of the site? Check the names and addresses of the websites of companies and exchanges. Scammers have learned to make fake copies that are difficult to distinguish from the original, but they cannot buy exactly the same domain. Do not open unknown links and files in chats and do not send personal data. When logging into your wallets, we also do not recommend using public Wi-Fi networks. Remember that employees of companies do not have the right to ask you for passwords and access to your wallet and account. If you have doubts when working with MinePlex services, write to the support chat mineplex.io . The responsibility for your data and funds lies with you. Be careful!
3 main rules when working with cryptocurrency. The feature of crypto assets is their 100% ownership by the owner.
3 main rules when working with cryptocurrency The feature of crypto assets is their 100% ownership by the owner. He is responsible for storage, profitability and losses. When working with crypto assets, it is important to follow simple security rules. We have collected 3 main rules. What would you add? Check yourself. 1. Where to store your crypto assets? Exchanges are a place for trading and conducting cryptocurrency transactions. It is not safe to keep funds on them, since your assets are in the wallets of the exchange. The safest place of storage is the so-called "cold" wallets. These are physical devices that store your private keys offline, without an internet connection, which makes them invulnerable to hacker and phishing attacks. A non-custodial wallet is also a suitable solution - it is a decentralized storage that allows only the owner to have access keys to assets. 2. How to save a SEED phrase? SEED phrases must be stored in a place that is not accessible to third parties. It is best not to store it in a digital format: in a notebook as well. If you want the password to always be at hand, then keep it in your phone in notes not completely, always entering 1-2 words for memory manually. Also, never copy the entire phrase and do not forward it in correspondence. 3. How to verify the authenticity of the site? Check the names and addresses of the websites of companies and exchanges. Scammers have learned to make fake copies that are difficult to distinguish from the original, but they cannot buy exactly the same domain. Do not open unknown links and files in chats and do not send personal data. When logging into your wallets, we also do not recommend using public Wi-Fi networks. Remember that employees of companies do not have the right to ask you for passwords and access to your wallet and account. If you have doubts when working with MinePlex services, write to the support chat mineplex.io . The responsibility for your data and funds lies with you. Be careful!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
04 Jul 2023, 08:44
3 main rules when working with cryptocurrency The feature of crypto assets is their 100% ownership by the owner. He is responsible for storage, profitability and losses. When working with crypto assets, it is important to follow simple security rules. We have collected 3 main rules. What would you add? Check yourself. 1. Where to store your crypto assets? Exchanges are a place for trading and conducting cryptocurrency transactions. It is not safe to keep funds on them, since your assets are in the wallets of the exchange. The safest place of storage is the so-called "cold" wallets. These are physical devices that store your private keys offline, without an internet connection, which makes them invulnerable to hacker and phishing attacks. A non-custodial wallet is also a suitable solution - it is a decentralized storage that allows only the owner to have access keys to assets. 2. How to save a SEED phrase? SEED phrases must be stored in a place that is not accessible to third parties. It is best not to store it in a digital format: in a notebook as well. If you want the password to always be at hand, then keep it in your phone in notes not completely, always entering 1-2 words for memory manually. Also, never copy the entire phrase and do not forward it in correspondence. 3. How to verify the authenticity of the site? Check the names and addresses of the websites of companies and exchanges. Scammers have learned to make fake copies that are difficult to distinguish from the original, but they cannot buy exactly the same domain. Do not open unknown links and files in chats and do not send personal data. When logging into your wallets, we also do not recommend using public Wi-Fi networks. Remember that employees of companies do not have the right to ask you for passwords and access to your wallet and account. If you have doubts when working with MinePlex services, write to the support chat mineplex.io . The responsibility for your data and funds lies with you. Be careful!
3 main rules when working with cryptocurrency. The feature of crypto assets is their 100% ownership by the owner.
3 main rules when working with cryptocurrency The feature of crypto assets is their 100% ownership by the owner. He is responsible for storage, profitability and losses. When working with crypto assets, it is important to follow simple security rules. We have collected 3 main rules. What would you add? Check yourself. 1. Where to store your crypto assets? Exchanges are a place for trading and conducting cryptocurrency transactions. It is not safe to keep funds on them, since your assets are in the wallets of the exchange. The safest place of storage is the so-called "cold" wallets. These are physical devices that store your private keys offline, without an internet connection, which makes them invulnerable to hacker and phishing attacks. A non-custodial wallet is also a suitable solution - it is a decentralized storage that allows only the owner to have access keys to assets. 2. How to save a SEED phrase? SEED phrases must be stored in a place that is not accessible to third parties. It is best not to store it in a digital format: in a notebook as well. If you want the password to always be at hand, then keep it in your phone in notes not completely, always entering 1-2 words for memory manually. Also, never copy the entire phrase and do not forward it in correspondence. 3. How to verify the authenticity of the site? Check the names and addresses of the websites of companies and exchanges. Scammers have learned to make fake copies that are difficult to distinguish from the original, but they cannot buy exactly the same domain. Do not open unknown links and files in chats and do not send personal data. When logging into your wallets, we also do not recommend using public Wi-Fi networks. Remember that employees of companies do not have the right to ask you for passwords and access to your wallet and account. If you have doubts when working with MinePlex services, write to the support chat mineplex.io . The responsibility for your data and funds lies with you. Be careful!