5 причин, почему бизнесу нужно принимать криптовалютные платежи. В мире насчитывается 420 млн пользователей криптовалюты.

05 May 2023, 09:11
💳 5 причин, почему бизнесу нужно принимать криптовалютные платежи В мире насчитывается 420 млн пользователей криптовалюты. Самый высокий процент владельцев находится во Вьетнаме, США, Индии, Нигерии. Прием криптовалютных платежей дает ряд преимуществ не только клиентам, но и бизнесу. Обсудим, почему выгодно начать принимать цифровые активы в качестве оплаты. 1. Сохранить конкурентоспособность бизнеса Сегодня побеждает тот, кто умеет быть гибким, не отвергать тренды, а внедрять их первыми. Использование криптовалюты не просто выделяет бизнес на общем фоне и проявляет лояльность к клиентам, но и даёт много других преимуществ в виде новых способов платежей, выбора цифровых валют, безопасности и технологичности. 2. Привлечь новых клиентов Потребители стран Азии, Африки и Латинской Америки занимают сегодня лидирующие места по владению криптовалютой. Например, каждый четвертый житель Вьетнама инвестирует в криптовалюту, каждый третий в Нигерии использует цифровые активы. Такие клиенты отдают преимущество соответствующим возможностям для оплаты, открывая для себя новые компании и бренды. 3. Потенциально снизить комиссию за обработку платежей Согласно последним исследованиям, транзакции, основанные на блокчейне, в среднем в 388 раз быстрее и в 127 раз дешевле, чем традиционные. Цифры говорят сами за себя. 4. Усилить конкуренцию в сфере финансовых услуг Существует высокий спрос на варианты оплаты криптовалютой со стороны потребителей. Спрос превышает предложения на рынке в 10 раз, по данным исследователей. Новые решения привнесут новые возможности и условия в рынок финансов. 5. Предоставить трансграничные платежи Криптовалюта стирает международные границы и обеспечивает безопасные трансграничные переводы. Платеж не обрабатывается сторонними банками, которые замедляют процесс оплаты, и дает клиенту удобное и простое решение в современных реалиях. Как внедрить криптоплатежи в свой бизнес и с чего начать, - отвечаем следующим постом.

Same news in other sources

MinePlexPLEX #4235
05 May 2023, 18:15
Dear community! The technical work took longer than planned. This is due to the specifics of the Tezos protocol. These technical works are necessary both to improve the security of the company's wallets and nodes, and in general for the entire MinePlex blockchain. First of all, the company wants to ensure the complete security of the funds of users of our blockchain. In this regard, the planned completion time is the middle of next week. After that, the planned accrual for the missed cycles will begin. Thank you for your support and understanding!
Dear community. The technical work took longer than planned. This is due to the specifics of the Tezos protocol.
Dear community! The technical work took longer than planned. This is due to the specifics of the Tezos protocol. These technical works are necessary both to improve the security of the company's wallets and nodes, and in general for the entire MinePlex blockchain. First of all, the company wants to ensure the complete security of the funds of users of our blockchain. In this regard, the planned completion time is the middle of next week. After that, the planned accrual for the missed cycles will begin. Thank you for your support and understanding!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
05 May 2023, 18:15
Dear community! The technical work took longer than planned. This is due to the specifics of the Tezos protocol. These technical works are necessary both to improve the security of the company's wallets and nodes, and in general for the entire MinePlex blockchain. First of all, the company wants to ensure the complete security of the funds of users of our blockchain. In this regard, the planned completion time is the middle of next week. After that, the planned accrual for the missed cycles will begin. Thank you for your support and understanding!
Dear community. The technical work took longer than planned. This is due to the specifics of the Tezos protocol.
Dear community! The technical work took longer than planned. This is due to the specifics of the Tezos protocol. These technical works are necessary both to improve the security of the company's wallets and nodes, and in general for the entire MinePlex blockchain. First of all, the company wants to ensure the complete security of the funds of users of our blockchain. In this regard, the planned completion time is the middle of next week. After that, the planned accrual for the missed cycles will begin. Thank you for your support and understanding!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
05 May 2023, 17:13
Уважаемое сообщество! Технические работы заняли больше времени чем планировалось. Это связано с спецификой работы протокола Tezos. Данные технические работы необходимы как для улучшения безопасности кошельков и нод компании, так и в целом для всего блокчейна MinePlex. Компания в первую очередь хочет обеспечить полную безопасность средств пользователей нашего блокчейна. В связи с этим, планируемое время окончание работ - середина следующей недели. После этого начнется плановое начисление по пропущенным циклам. Благодарим за поддержку и понимание!
Уважаемое сообщество. Технические работы заняли больше времени чем планировалось.
Уважаемое сообщество! Технические работы заняли больше времени чем планировалось. Это связано с спецификой работы протокола Tezos. Данные технические работы необходимы как для улучшения безопасности кошельков и нод компании, так и в целом для всего блокчейна MinePlex. Компания в первую очередь хочет обеспечить полную безопасность средств пользователей нашего блокчейна. В связи с этим, планируемое время окончание работ - середина следующей недели. После этого начнется плановое начисление по пропущенным циклам. Благодарим за поддержку и понимание!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
05 May 2023, 09:12
❓How do businesses start accepting cryptopayments? CrossFi technology is a bridge for fintech organisations and businesses to connect the acceptance of digital token payments and fiat transactions for recipients without cross-border traditional cash flows. We have developed services, accessible via ATMs, ATMs or POS terminals, for digital token sales and purchases, virtual and physical card issuance, exchange transactions and other digital industry services, using traditional ISO-based applications. This allows businesses to expand their line of accepted products for cryptocurrency and token transactions. 🔹MinePlex.Payment is the first crypto-acquiring platform of its kind. It is a ready-made tools to start a business with cryptocurrency payments, POS installation, QR code transfers, banking tokenisation and much more. You can start accepting cryptocurrencies simply and easily. Join us!
How do businesses start accepting cryptopayments.
❓How do businesses start accepting cryptopayments? CrossFi technology is a bridge for fintech organisations and businesses to connect the acceptance of digital token payments and fiat transactions for recipients without cross-border traditional cash flows. We have developed services, accessible via ATMs, ATMs or POS terminals, for digital token sales and purchases, virtual and physical card issuance, exchange transactions and other digital industry services, using traditional ISO-based applications. This allows businesses to expand their line of accepted products for cryptocurrency and token transactions. 🔹MinePlex.Payment is the first crypto-acquiring platform of its kind. It is a ready-made tools to start a business with cryptocurrency payments, POS installation, QR code transfers, banking tokenisation and much more. You can start accepting cryptocurrencies simply and easily. Join us!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
05 May 2023, 09:12
❓How do businesses start accepting cryptopayments? CrossFi technology is a bridge for fintech organisations and businesses to connect the acceptance of digital token payments and fiat transactions for recipients without cross-border traditional cash flows. We have developed services, accessible via ATMs, ATMs or POS terminals, for digital token sales and purchases, virtual and physical card issuance, exchange transactions and other digital industry services, using traditional ISO-based applications. This allows businesses to expand their line of accepted products for cryptocurrency and token transactions. 🔹MinePlex.Payment is the first crypto-acquiring platform of its kind. It is a ready-made tools to start a business with cryptocurrency payments, POS installation, QR code transfers, banking tokenisation and much more. You can start accepting cryptocurrencies simply and easily. Join us!
How do businesses start accepting cryptopayments.
❓How do businesses start accepting cryptopayments? CrossFi technology is a bridge for fintech organisations and businesses to connect the acceptance of digital token payments and fiat transactions for recipients without cross-border traditional cash flows. We have developed services, accessible via ATMs, ATMs or POS terminals, for digital token sales and purchases, virtual and physical card issuance, exchange transactions and other digital industry services, using traditional ISO-based applications. This allows businesses to expand their line of accepted products for cryptocurrency and token transactions. 🔹MinePlex.Payment is the first crypto-acquiring platform of its kind. It is a ready-made tools to start a business with cryptocurrency payments, POS installation, QR code transfers, banking tokenisation and much more. You can start accepting cryptocurrencies simply and easily. Join us!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
05 May 2023, 09:12
💳 5 reasons why businesses need to accept cryptocurrency payments There are 420 million cryptocurrency users worldwide. The highest percentage of holders are in Vietnam, the US, India and Nigeria. Accepting cryptocurrency payments offers a number of benefits not only to customers but also to businesses. Let's discuss why it's beneficial to start accepting digital assets as payment. 1. Keep businesses competitive Today, the one who knows how to be flexible, not to reject trends, but to implement them first, wins. Using cryptocurrency doesn't just make a business stand out and show customer loyalty, it also brings many other benefits in the form of new payment methods, digital currency choices, security and technology. 2. Attract new customers Consumers in Asia, Africa and Latin America are now leading the way in cryptocurrency ownership. For example, one in four people in Vietnam invest in cryptocurrency, and one in three in Nigeria use digital assets. Such customers are prioritising appropriate payment opportunities, discovering new companies and brands. 3. Potentially lower payment processing fees According to recent research, blockchain-based transactions are on average 388 times faster and 127 times cheaper than traditional ones. The numbers speak for themselves. 4. Increase competition in financial services There is high demand for cryptocurrency payment options from consumers. Demand exceeds supply in the market by a factor of 10, according to researchers. New solutions will bring new opportunities and conditions to the financial market. 5. Provide cross-border payments Cryptocurrency erases international borders and enables secure cross-border transfers. The payment is not processed by third-party banks that slow down the payment process and gives the customer a convenient and easy solution in today's realities. How to incorporate cryptopayments into your business and where to start is answered in the following post.
5 reasons why businesses need to accept cryptocurrency payments. There are 420 million cryptocurrency users worldwide.
💳 5 reasons why businesses need to accept cryptocurrency payments There are 420 million cryptocurrency users worldwide. The highest percentage of holders are in Vietnam, the US, India and Nigeria. Accepting cryptocurrency payments offers a number of benefits not only to customers but also to businesses. Let's discuss why it's beneficial to start accepting digital assets as payment. 1. Keep businesses competitive Today, the one who knows how to be flexible, not to reject trends, but to implement them first, wins. Using cryptocurrency doesn't just make a business stand out and show customer loyalty, it also brings many other benefits in the form of new payment methods, digital currency choices, security and technology. 2. Attract new customers Consumers in Asia, Africa and Latin America are now leading the way in cryptocurrency ownership. For example, one in four people in Vietnam invest in cryptocurrency, and one in three in Nigeria use digital assets. Such customers are prioritising appropriate payment opportunities, discovering new companies and brands. 3. Potentially lower payment processing fees According to recent research, blockchain-based transactions are on average 388 times faster and 127 times cheaper than traditional ones. The numbers speak for themselves. 4. Increase competition in financial services There is high demand for cryptocurrency payment options from consumers. Demand exceeds supply in the market by a factor of 10, according to researchers. New solutions will bring new opportunities and conditions to the financial market. 5. Provide cross-border payments Cryptocurrency erases international borders and enables secure cross-border transfers. The payment is not processed by third-party banks that slow down the payment process and gives the customer a convenient and easy solution in today's realities. How to incorporate cryptopayments into your business and where to start is answered in the following post.
MinePlexPLEX #4235
05 May 2023, 09:12
💳 5 reasons why businesses need to accept cryptocurrency payments There are 420 million cryptocurrency users worldwide. The highest percentage of holders are in Vietnam, the US, India and Nigeria. Accepting cryptocurrency payments offers a number of benefits not only to customers but also to businesses. Let's discuss why it's beneficial to start accepting digital assets as payment. 1. Keep businesses competitive Today, the one who knows how to be flexible, not to reject trends, but to implement them first, wins. Using cryptocurrency doesn't just make a business stand out and show customer loyalty, it also brings many other benefits in the form of new payment methods, digital currency choices, security and technology. 2. Attract new customers Consumers in Asia, Africa and Latin America are now leading the way in cryptocurrency ownership. For example, one in four people in Vietnam invest in cryptocurrency, and one in three in Nigeria use digital assets. Such customers are prioritising appropriate payment opportunities, discovering new companies and brands. 3. Potentially lower payment processing fees According to recent research, blockchain-based transactions are on average 388 times faster and 127 times cheaper than traditional ones. The numbers speak for themselves. 4. Increase competition in financial services There is high demand for cryptocurrency payment options from consumers. Demand exceeds supply in the market by a factor of 10, according to researchers. New solutions will bring new opportunities and conditions to the financial market. 5. Provide cross-border payments Cryptocurrency erases international borders and enables secure cross-border transfers. The payment is not processed by third-party banks that slow down the payment process and gives the customer a convenient and easy solution in today's realities. How to incorporate cryptopayments into your business and where to start is answered in the following post.
5 reasons why businesses need to accept cryptocurrency payments. There are 420 million cryptocurrency users worldwide.
💳 5 reasons why businesses need to accept cryptocurrency payments There are 420 million cryptocurrency users worldwide. The highest percentage of holders are in Vietnam, the US, India and Nigeria. Accepting cryptocurrency payments offers a number of benefits not only to customers but also to businesses. Let's discuss why it's beneficial to start accepting digital assets as payment. 1. Keep businesses competitive Today, the one who knows how to be flexible, not to reject trends, but to implement them first, wins. Using cryptocurrency doesn't just make a business stand out and show customer loyalty, it also brings many other benefits in the form of new payment methods, digital currency choices, security and technology. 2. Attract new customers Consumers in Asia, Africa and Latin America are now leading the way in cryptocurrency ownership. For example, one in four people in Vietnam invest in cryptocurrency, and one in three in Nigeria use digital assets. Such customers are prioritising appropriate payment opportunities, discovering new companies and brands. 3. Potentially lower payment processing fees According to recent research, blockchain-based transactions are on average 388 times faster and 127 times cheaper than traditional ones. The numbers speak for themselves. 4. Increase competition in financial services There is high demand for cryptocurrency payment options from consumers. Demand exceeds supply in the market by a factor of 10, according to researchers. New solutions will bring new opportunities and conditions to the financial market. 5. Provide cross-border payments Cryptocurrency erases international borders and enables secure cross-border transfers. The payment is not processed by third-party banks that slow down the payment process and gives the customer a convenient and easy solution in today's realities. How to incorporate cryptopayments into your business and where to start is answered in the following post.
MinePlexPLEX #4235
05 May 2023, 09:11
❓Как бизнесу начать принимать криптоплатежи? Технология CrossFi представляет собой мост для финтех организаций и бизнеса, позволяющий подключить прием платежей цифровых токенов и фиатных транзакций для получателей без трансграничных традиционных денежных потоков. Мы разработали сервисы, доступные через банкоматы, ATM или POS-терминалы, для операций по продаже и покупке цифровых токенов, выдачи виртуальных и физических карт, операций обмена и других услуг цифровой индустрии, использующие традиционные приложения, основанные на стандартах ISO. Это позволяет бизнесу расширить линейку принимаемых продуктов для операций с криптовалютами и токенами. 🔹MinePlex.Payment - первая в своем роде крипто-эквайринговая платформа. Это готовые инструменты для запуска бизнеса с криптовалютными расчетами, установкой POS-терминалов, переводами по QR кодам, токенизацией банковских сервисов и многое другое. Вы можете начать принимать криптовалюту легко и просто. Присоединяйтесь!
Как бизнесу начать принимать криптоплатежи.
❓Как бизнесу начать принимать криптоплатежи? Технология CrossFi представляет собой мост для финтех организаций и бизнеса, позволяющий подключить прием платежей цифровых токенов и фиатных транзакций для получателей без трансграничных традиционных денежных потоков. Мы разработали сервисы, доступные через банкоматы, ATM или POS-терминалы, для операций по продаже и покупке цифровых токенов, выдачи виртуальных и физических карт, операций обмена и других услуг цифровой индустрии, использующие традиционные приложения, основанные на стандартах ISO. Это позволяет бизнесу расширить линейку принимаемых продуктов для операций с криптовалютами и токенами. 🔹MinePlex.Payment - первая в своем роде крипто-эквайринговая платформа. Это готовые инструменты для запуска бизнеса с криптовалютными расчетами, установкой POS-терминалов, переводами по QR кодам, токенизацией банковских сервисов и многое другое. Вы можете начать принимать криптовалюту легко и просто. Присоединяйтесь!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
05 May 2023, 09:11
MinePlex telegram news 05 May 2023 09:11