Что такое абстракция аккаунта, и зачем она нужна.

03 Aug 2023, 12:52
Что такое абстракция аккаунта, и зачем она нужна Согласно исследованию PWC, криптопользователи считают главным риском рынка потерю доступа к кошельку и компрометирование личных ключей. В этом случае доступ к средствам может быть утерян навсегда. Как это можно изменить? Какое решение появится в новых сервисах блокчейна MinePlex? Обсудим. Абстракция аккаунта В блокчейн части EVM пользователям MinePlex будет доступна функция абстракция аккаунта. Это упрощение использования крипто кошельками для каждого пользователя. В сети Ethereum за абстракцию аккаунта отвечает внедренный стандарт ERC4337. Это техническое решение сложностей, возникающих при использовании кошельков. Теперь не нужно будет записывать сид фразы или разбираться в технических настройках кошелька и криптографических ключах. Зачем она нужна? Абстракция аккаунтов позволит заходить в кошельки, не записывая 12 слов на листочке, а используя биометрию или стандартные методы аутентификации. Абстракция аккаунта ✅улучшит и упростит работу с блокчейном для обычных пользователей, ✅минимизирует риски использования кошельком и аккаунтом, ✅позволит восстанавливать учетные записи при утере телефона и другое. Новый блокчейн MinePlex - это новые возможности для пользователей, которые делают работу с криптовалютой более безопасносной и простой.

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MinePlexPLEX #4235
03 Aug 2023, 12:53
What is an account abstraction, and why is it needed According to a PWC study, crypto users consider the main risk of the market to be the loss of access to the wallet and compromising personal keys. In this case, access to funds may be lost forever. How can this be changed? What solution will appear in the new MinePlex blockchain services? We'll discuss it. Account abstraction In the blockchain part of EVM, the account abstraction function will be available to MinePlex users. This simplifies the use of crypto wallets for each user. In the Ethereum network, the implemented ERC4337 standard is responsible for account abstraction. This is a technical solution to the difficulties that arise when using wallets. Now you will not need to write down your keywords or understand the technical settings of the wallet and cryptographic keys. Why is it needed? The abstraction of accounts will allow you to enter wallets without writing down 12 words on a piece of paper, but using biometrics or standard authentication methods. Account abstraction ✅will improve and simplify the work with the blockchain for ordinary users, ✅minimizes the risks of using the wallet and account, ✅will allow you to restore accounts if you lose your phone and more. The new MinePlex blockchain is a new opportunity for users who make working with cryptocurrency safer and easier.
What is an account abstraction, and why is it needed.
What is an account abstraction, and why is it needed According to a PWC study, crypto users consider the main risk of the market to be the loss of access to the wallet and compromising personal keys. In this case, access to funds may be lost forever. How can this be changed? What solution will appear in the new MinePlex blockchain services? We'll discuss it. Account abstraction In the blockchain part of EVM, the account abstraction function will be available to MinePlex users. This simplifies the use of crypto wallets for each user. In the Ethereum network, the implemented ERC4337 standard is responsible for account abstraction. This is a technical solution to the difficulties that arise when using wallets. Now you will not need to write down your keywords or understand the technical settings of the wallet and cryptographic keys. Why is it needed? The abstraction of accounts will allow you to enter wallets without writing down 12 words on a piece of paper, but using biometrics or standard authentication methods. Account abstraction ✅will improve and simplify the work with the blockchain for ordinary users, ✅minimizes the risks of using the wallet and account, ✅will allow you to restore accounts if you lose your phone and more. The new MinePlex blockchain is a new opportunity for users who make working with cryptocurrency safer and easier.
MinePlexPLEX #4235
03 Aug 2023, 12:53
What is an account abstraction, and why is it needed According to a PWC study, crypto users consider the main risk of the market to be the loss of access to the wallet and compromising personal keys. In this case, access to funds may be lost forever. How can this be changed? What solution will appear in the new MinePlex blockchain services? We'll discuss it. Account abstraction In the blockchain part of EVM, the account abstraction function will be available to MinePlex users. This simplifies the use of crypto wallets for each user. In the Ethereum network, the implemented ERC4337 standard is responsible for account abstraction. This is a technical solution to the difficulties that arise when using wallets. Now you will not need to write down your keywords or understand the technical settings of the wallet and cryptographic keys. Why is it needed? The abstraction of accounts will allow you to enter wallets without writing down 12 words on a piece of paper, but using biometrics or standard authentication methods. Account abstraction ✅will improve and simplify the work with the blockchain for ordinary users, ✅minimizes the risks of using the wallet and account, ✅will allow you to restore accounts if you lose your phone and more. The new MinePlex blockchain is a new opportunity for users who make working with cryptocurrency safer and easier.
What is an account abstraction, and why is it needed.
What is an account abstraction, and why is it needed According to a PWC study, crypto users consider the main risk of the market to be the loss of access to the wallet and compromising personal keys. In this case, access to funds may be lost forever. How can this be changed? What solution will appear in the new MinePlex blockchain services? We'll discuss it. Account abstraction In the blockchain part of EVM, the account abstraction function will be available to MinePlex users. This simplifies the use of crypto wallets for each user. In the Ethereum network, the implemented ERC4337 standard is responsible for account abstraction. This is a technical solution to the difficulties that arise when using wallets. Now you will not need to write down your keywords or understand the technical settings of the wallet and cryptographic keys. Why is it needed? The abstraction of accounts will allow you to enter wallets without writing down 12 words on a piece of paper, but using biometrics or standard authentication methods. Account abstraction ✅will improve and simplify the work with the blockchain for ordinary users, ✅minimizes the risks of using the wallet and account, ✅will allow you to restore accounts if you lose your phone and more. The new MinePlex blockchain is a new opportunity for users who make working with cryptocurrency safer and easier.