CrossFi в глобальных СМИ.

10 Jul 2023, 15:24
CrossFi в глобальных СМИ Глобальные медиа подхватили волну публикаций во Вьетнаме о технологии CrossFi и ее вариантах использования в стране. Два ведущих мировых криптоновостных канала и NewsBTC обсудили как экосистема CrossFi может повлиять на цифровую экономику Вьетнама, преимущества пассивного дохода для граждан и причину популярности криптовалюты в Азии. Читать подробнее: 👉 О крипто индустрии во Вьетнаме и CrossFi решениях для граждан и бизнеса в Bitcoinist 👉О Вьетнаме как криптохабе, популярности CrossFi среди вьетнамских пользователей и возможностях масштабирования технологии в NewsBTC

Same news in other sources

MinePlexPLEX #4235
10 Jul 2023, 15:24
CrossFi in Global Media Global media picked up a wave of publications in Vietnam about CrossFi technology and its use cases in the country. Two of the World's Leading Crypto News Channels and NewsBTC discussed how the CrossFi ecosystem can change Vietnam's digital economy, the benefits of passive income for citizens and the reason for the popularity of cryptocurrencies in Asia. Read more: 👉 About the crypto industry in Vietnam and CrossFi solutions for citizens and businesses 👉About Vietnam as a cryptohab, the popularity of CrossFi among Vietnamese users and the possibilities of scaling the technology
CrossFi in Global Media.
CrossFi in Global Media Global media picked up a wave of publications in Vietnam about CrossFi technology and its use cases in the country. Two of the World's Leading Crypto News Channels and NewsBTC discussed how the CrossFi ecosystem can change Vietnam's digital economy, the benefits of passive income for citizens and the reason for the popularity of cryptocurrencies in Asia. Read more: 👉 About the crypto industry in Vietnam and CrossFi solutions for citizens and businesses 👉About Vietnam as a cryptohab, the popularity of CrossFi among Vietnamese users and the possibilities of scaling the technology
MinePlexPLEX #4235
10 Jul 2023, 15:24
CrossFi in Global Media Global media picked up a wave of publications in Vietnam about CrossFi technology and its use cases in the country. Two of the World's Leading Crypto News Channels and NewsBTC discussed how the CrossFi ecosystem can change Vietnam's digital economy, the benefits of passive income for citizens and the reason for the popularity of cryptocurrencies in Asia. Read more: 👉 About the crypto industry in Vietnam and CrossFi solutions for citizens and businesses 👉About Vietnam as a cryptohab, the popularity of CrossFi among Vietnamese users and the possibilities of scaling the technology
CrossFi in Global Media.
CrossFi in Global Media Global media picked up a wave of publications in Vietnam about CrossFi technology and its use cases in the country. Two of the World's Leading Crypto News Channels and NewsBTC discussed how the CrossFi ecosystem can change Vietnam's digital economy, the benefits of passive income for citizens and the reason for the popularity of cryptocurrencies in Asia. Read more: 👉 About the crypto industry in Vietnam and CrossFi solutions for citizens and businesses 👉About Vietnam as a cryptohab, the popularity of CrossFi among Vietnamese users and the possibilities of scaling the technology