Где можно использовать XFI и PLEX. На прошлой неделе состоялся листинг XFI на глобальной криптобирже MEXC.

31 May 2023, 13:23
Где можно использовать XFI и PLEX? На прошлой неделе состоялся листинг XFI на глобальной криптобирже MEXC. Теперь и XFI, и PLEX можно купить и продать на биржах. В экосистеме MinePlex монета XFI используется во всех продуктах и сервисах, точно также как и токен PLEX. Теперь подробнее. ✅Explorer В Explorer отражаются все операции с монетами MinePlex, их курс, информация о кошельках, валидаторах, транзакциях, блоках и т.д. ✅Wallet В Wallet монета XFI используется как и токен PLEX: надежно хранить и управлять токенами в один клик. После интеграции MinePlex сети EVM монеты XFI получат функции оплаты комиссий, оплаты за создания монет и пр. Скоро мы сообщим о расширении сети. ✅Finance В приложении Finance монеты XFI и токены PLEX будут использоваться как платежное средство. Пользователь сможет сделать любые покупки через карту, совершить онлайн переводы, оплатить счета и пр. Мы завершаем работы над обновленным приложением. Следите за новостями! ✅Payment В Payment монеты будут использоваться для платежей. XFI и PLEX будут добавлены в пул монет наряду с биткоином или эфиром и использоваться для оплаты счетов, транзакций. ✅Дашборд Личный кабинет пользователя. Здесь токены можно отправить в стейкинг, выбрать пулы или валидаторов. Добыча токенов PLEX рассчитана до 2025 года, монет XFI до 2043 года. Все сервисы экосистемы MinePlex работают с PLEX и XFI. Это создает ликвидность для токенов, дает им утилитарную функцию. Внедрение и применение XFI и PLEX в реальных финансовых продуктах создает долгосрочную перспективу для проекта и решает главную задачу компании - дать возможность пользователям использовать криптовалюту каждый день также просто как фиат. Следите за новостями!

Same news in other sources

MinePlexPLEX #4235
31 May 2023, 13:24
Where can I use XFI and PLEX? Last week, XFI was listed on the global crypto exchange MEXC. Now both XFI and PLEX can be bought and sold on exchanges. In the MinePlex ecosystem, the XFI coin is used in all products and services, just like the PLEX token. Now for more details. Explorer Explorer reflects all operations with MinePlex coins, their exchange rate, information about wallets, validators, transactions, blocks, etc. Wallet In Wallet, the XFI coin is used like the PLEX token: securely store and manage tokens in one click. After the integration of the MinePlex EVM network, XFI coins will receive the functions of paying commissions, paying for the creation of coins, etc. We will announce the expansion of the network soon. Finance In the Finance application, XFI coins and PLEX tokens will be used as a means of payment. The user will be able to make any purchases through the card, make online transfers, pay bills, etc. We are completing work on an updated application. Follow the news! Payment In Payment, the coins will be used for payments. XFI and PLEX will be added to the coin pool along with bitcoin or ether and used to pay bills, transactions. Dashboard The user's personal account. Here tokens can be sent to staking, pools or validators can be selected. The production of PLEX tokens is calculated until 2025, XFI coins until 2043. All services of the MinePlex ecosystem work with PLEX and XFI. This creates liquidity for tokens, gives them a utilitarian function. The introduction and application of XFI and PLEX in real financial products creates a long-term perspective for the project and solves the main task of the company - to enable users to use cryptocurrency every day as simply as fiat. Follow the news!
Where can I use XFI and PLEX. Last week, XFI was listed on the global crypto exchange MEXC.
Where can I use XFI and PLEX? Last week, XFI was listed on the global crypto exchange MEXC. Now both XFI and PLEX can be bought and sold on exchanges. In the MinePlex ecosystem, the XFI coin is used in all products and services, just like the PLEX token. Now for more details. ✅ Explorer Explorer reflects all operations with MinePlex coins, their exchange rate, information about wallets, validators, transactions, blocks, etc. https://explorer.mineplex.io/mx ✅ Wallet In Wallet, the XFI coin is used like the PLEX token: securely store and manage tokens in one click. After the integration of the MinePlex EVM network, XFI coins will receive the functions of paying commissions, paying for the creation of coins, etc. We will announce the expansion of the network soon. https://t.me/mineplex_news/833 ✅ Finance In the Finance application, XFI coins and PLEX tokens will be used as a means of payment. The user will be able to make any purchases through the card, make online transfers, pay bills, etc. We are completing work on an updated application. Follow the news! ✅ Payment In Payment, the coins will be used for payments. XFI and PLEX will be added to the coin pool along with bitcoin or ether and used to pay bills, transactions. ✅ Dashboard The user's personal account. Here tokens can be sent to staking, pools or validators can be selected. The production of PLEX tokens is calculated until 2025, XFI coins until 2043. https://mineplex.io/ All services of the MinePlex ecosystem work with PLEX and XFI. This creates liquidity for tokens, gives them a utilitarian function. The introduction and application of XFI and PLEX in real financial products creates a long-term perspective for the project and solves the main task of the company - to enable users to use cryptocurrency every day as simply as fiat. Follow the news!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
31 May 2023, 13:24
Where can I use XFI and PLEX? Last week, XFI was listed on the global crypto exchange MEXC. Now both XFI and PLEX can be bought and sold on exchanges. In the MinePlex ecosystem, the XFI coin is used in all products and services, just like the PLEX token. Now for more details. Explorer Explorer reflects all operations with MinePlex coins, their exchange rate, information about wallets, validators, transactions, blocks, etc. Wallet In Wallet, the XFI coin is used like the PLEX token: securely store and manage tokens in one click. After the integration of the MinePlex EVM network, XFI coins will receive the functions of paying commissions, paying for the creation of coins, etc. We will announce the expansion of the network soon. Finance In the Finance application, XFI coins and PLEX tokens will be used as a means of payment. The user will be able to make any purchases through the card, make online transfers, pay bills, etc. We are completing work on an updated application. Follow the news! Payment In Payment, the coins will be used for payments. XFI and PLEX will be added to the coin pool along with bitcoin or ether and used to pay bills, transactions. Dashboard The user's personal account. Here tokens can be sent to staking, pools or validators can be selected. The production of PLEX tokens is calculated until 2025, XFI coins until 2043. All services of the MinePlex ecosystem work with PLEX and XFI. This creates liquidity for tokens, gives them a utilitarian function. The introduction and application of XFI and PLEX in real financial products creates a long-term perspective for the project and solves the main task of the company - to enable users to use cryptocurrency every day as simply as fiat. Follow the news!
Where can I use XFI and PLEX. Last week, XFI was listed on the global crypto exchange MEXC.
Where can I use XFI and PLEX? Last week, XFI was listed on the global crypto exchange MEXC. Now both XFI and PLEX can be bought and sold on exchanges. In the MinePlex ecosystem, the XFI coin is used in all products and services, just like the PLEX token. Now for more details. ✅ Explorer Explorer reflects all operations with MinePlex coins, their exchange rate, information about wallets, validators, transactions, blocks, etc. https://explorer.mineplex.io/mx ✅ Wallet In Wallet, the XFI coin is used like the PLEX token: securely store and manage tokens in one click. After the integration of the MinePlex EVM network, XFI coins will receive the functions of paying commissions, paying for the creation of coins, etc. We will announce the expansion of the network soon. https://t.me/mineplex_news/833 ✅ Finance In the Finance application, XFI coins and PLEX tokens will be used as a means of payment. The user will be able to make any purchases through the card, make online transfers, pay bills, etc. We are completing work on an updated application. Follow the news! ✅ Payment In Payment, the coins will be used for payments. XFI and PLEX will be added to the coin pool along with bitcoin or ether and used to pay bills, transactions. ✅ Dashboard The user's personal account. Here tokens can be sent to staking, pools or validators can be selected. The production of PLEX tokens is calculated until 2025, XFI coins until 2043. https://mineplex.io/ All services of the MinePlex ecosystem work with PLEX and XFI. This creates liquidity for tokens, gives them a utilitarian function. The introduction and application of XFI and PLEX in real financial products creates a long-term perspective for the project and solves the main task of the company - to enable users to use cryptocurrency every day as simply as fiat. Follow the news!