Главные новости MinePlex.

16 Jun 2023, 15:41
Главные новости MinePlex Вчера Александр Мамасидиков, Федор Богородский и Владимир Родинка провели большой важный вебинар с комьюнити MinePlex. Обсудили самые ожидаемые события лета, стратегию развития компании, планы и судьбу токенов PLEX и MINE и другое. Расскажем главное. ❇️Про Finance Обновленный Finance будет выпущен через 2 месяца. Это будет абсолютно универсальное полноценное банковское приложение: ✔️единый баланс для криптовалюты и фиата, ✔️возможность совершать транзакции, переводы денежных средств и криптовалюты по SWIFT, номеру телефона или карты, ✔️управлять своими активами, оплачивать счета, использовать доступные традиционные финансовые инструменты в одном месте, ✔️привязанная к счету полноценная дебетовая карта, с которой можно будет расплачиваться криптовалютой и фиатом в любой точке мира и которую можно будет пополнять в банкомате. Что работает в Finance сейчас? Сейчас мы проводим подключение всех сервисов в приложении, создали предрелизную версию. В июле, как и планировалось, будет готова тестовая версия Finance. Группа тестировщиков из комьюнити MinePlex скоро приступит к проверке приложения. Что дальше в Finance? Сначала будут выпускаться дебетовые карты платежных систем VISA, MIR, MasterCard. Далее мы планируем выпуск кредитных карт. Будет внедрен полноценный маркетплейс в приложение Finance, где мерчанты смогут выставлять продукцию и торговать за криптовалюту. ❇️Как получить доступ к Finance? Главный доступ для работы с приложением - это наличие 1000 PLEX на балансе. Это неснижаемый депозит, который должен постоянно находиться на вашем счету. В противном случае карты и банковские операции не будут работать ни с какой валютой. Все комиссии за выпуск карт, транзакции в приложении будут оплачиваться токенами PLEX. Это обеспечит огромный поток ликвидности для токенов PLEX и создаст его утилитарность, которая была заложена в функции токена еще при разработке блокчейна MinePlex. ❇️Решение Finance для России Мы получили все разрешения для предоставления наших услуг на территории России. Все сервисы Finance и карты MinePlex будут работать в зоне БРИКС. Будут выпущены карты платежной системы МИР. Русские пользователи смогут оплачивать криптовалютой и фиатом товары и услуги не только на территории РФ, но и зарубежом, благодаря Finance. Для этого нужно будет пополнить карту МИР, перевести средства на Mastercard внутри приложения и пользоваться по всему миру. Наши следующие важные новости для русской аудитории будут уже через неделю. Следите за эфирами! ❇️Блокчейн MinePlex 2.0 Мы продолжаем заниматься масштабированием нового блокчейна. Это наша главная задача. Сейчас мы поднимаем тестнет EVM системы. Это позволит создавать мульти бриджи, токены в разных сетях, совершать анонимные платежи и многое другое. Через две недели мы проведем большой технический зум. Следите за новостями! ❇️Юридическая проверка XFI Мы получили очень важный документ для продолжения работы монеты XFI. Это Ligal Opinion - серьезная проверка от крупнейшей сингапурской юридической фирмы. Документ подтверждает безопасность и надежность XFI и полную юридическую и финансовую проверку компании и членов команды MinePlex. ❇️Bibox Мы провели собственное расследование о работе криптобирже и его скаме. Мы подали на биржу в суд, но пока результатов нет. Мы понимаем всех, у кого застряли там деньги, но не можем повлиять на это, поскольку это децентрализованная биржа. К сожалению, мы находимся в такой же ситуации. Мы делаем все, что в наших силах. ❇️Про PLEX На рынке в доступе остались 4.8 млн PLEX. Сейчас это самая главная и важная валюта, которая будет давать доступ к работе с MinePlex Finance. Также на основе PLEX создан MinePlex Payment, который скоро начинает свою работу. Это создаст огромный спрос и ликвидность для токена. Две основные биржи, где сейчас торгуются токены PLEX - MEXC и BitMart. ❇️Про MINE Пока идет эмиссия PLEX, MINE работает. После окончании эмиссии компания даст возможность пользователям MINE конвертировать в PLEX, а далее по усмотрению пользователя продать его на бирже, обменять и т.д.

Same news in other sources

MinePlexPLEX #4235
16 Jun 2023, 15:43
Continue New partners In the UAE, we have entered into a partnership with a company that connects its business to the MinePlex Payment system. A network of MinePlex terminals will be installed, cards will be issued. Merchants will accept cryptocurrency and PLEX tokens. And this is another new utilitarian function of the token. “Many companies in the market go bankrupt and leave the market. We're not going anywhere. After the launch of Finance and Payment, the situation with the price of tokens will change dramatically. We do not imitate violent activity, we have been working every day for our users for more than four years. We are grateful for your faith!” Alexander Mamasidikov, CEO of MinePlex Follow the news!
Continue. New partners.
Continue New partners In the UAE, we have entered into a partnership with a company that connects its business to the MinePlex Payment system. A network of MinePlex terminals will be installed, cards will be issued. Merchants will accept cryptocurrency and PLEX tokens. And this is another new utilitarian function of the token. “Many companies in the market go bankrupt and leave the market. We're not going anywhere. After the launch of Finance and Payment, the situation with the price of tokens will change dramatically. We do not imitate violent activity, we have been working every day for our users for more than four years. We are grateful for your faith!” Alexander Mamasidikov, CEO of MinePlex Follow the news!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
16 Jun 2023, 15:43
Continue New partners In the UAE, we have entered into a partnership with a company that connects its business to the MinePlex Payment system. A network of MinePlex terminals will be installed, cards will be issued. Merchants will accept cryptocurrency and PLEX tokens. And this is another new utilitarian function of the token. “Many companies in the market go bankrupt and leave the market. We're not going anywhere. After the launch of Finance and Payment, the situation with the price of tokens will change dramatically. We do not imitate violent activity, we have been working every day for our users for more than four years. We are grateful for your faith!” Alexander Mamasidikov, CEO of MinePlex Follow the news!
Continue. New partners.
Continue New partners In the UAE, we have entered into a partnership with a company that connects its business to the MinePlex Payment system. A network of MinePlex terminals will be installed, cards will be issued. Merchants will accept cryptocurrency and PLEX tokens. And this is another new utilitarian function of the token. “Many companies in the market go bankrupt and leave the market. We're not going anywhere. After the launch of Finance and Payment, the situation with the price of tokens will change dramatically. We do not imitate violent activity, we have been working every day for our users for more than four years. We are grateful for your faith!” Alexander Mamasidikov, CEO of MinePlex Follow the news!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
16 Jun 2023, 15:42
Main News MinePlex Yesterday Alexander Mamasidikov, Fedor Bogorodsky and Vladimir Rodinka held a big important webinar with the MinePlex community. We discussed the most anticipated events of the summer, the company's development strategy, plans and the fate of the PLEX and MINE tokens, and more. Let's tell the main thing. ❇️ About Finance The updated Finance will be released in 2 months. It will be an absolutely universal full-fledged banking application: ✔️ a single balance for cryptocurrency and fiat, ✔️ the ability to make transactions, money transfers and cryptocurrencies by SWIFT, phone number or card, ✔️ Manage your assets, pay bills, use available traditional financial instruments in one place, ✔️ a full-fledged debit card linked to the account, with which you can pay with cryptocurrency and fiat anywhere in the world and which can be replenished at an ATM. What is working in Finance now? Now we are connecting all the services in the application, we have created a pre-release version. In July, as planned, a test version of Finance will be ready. A group of testers from the MinePlex community will soon begin testing the application. What's next in Finance? Debit cards of VISA, MIR, MasterCard payment systems will be issued first. Next, we plan to issue credit cards. A full-fledged marketplace will be implemented in the Finance application, where merchants will be able to exhibit products and trade for cryptocurrency. ❇️How do I get access to Finance? The main access to work with the application is 1000 PLEX on the balance. This is an irreducible deposit, which must always be in your account. Otherwise, cards and banking transactions will not work with any currency. All fees for issuing cards, transactions in the application will be paid with PLEX tokens. This will provide a huge flow of liquidity for PLEX tokens and create its utilitarianism, which was incorporated into the token's functions during the development of the MinePlex blockchain. ❇️ Blockchain MinePlex 2.0 We continue to scale the new blockchain. This is our main goal. Now we are raising the testnet of the EVM system. This will allow you to create multi-bridges, tokens in different networks, make anonymous payments and much more. In two weeks we will have a big technical zoom. Follow the news! ❇️ XFI Legal Review We have received a very important document to continue the work of the XFI coin. This is Ligal Opinion - a serious check from the largest Singapore law firm. The document confirms the safety and reliability of XFI and the full legal and financial verification of the company and the members of the MinePlex team. ❇️ Bibox We conducted our own investigation about the work of the crypto exchange and its scam. We have sued the exchange, but there are no results yet. We understand everyone who has money stuck there, but we cannot influence it because it is a decentralized exchange. Unfortunately, we are in the same situation. We are doing everything in our power. ❇️ About PLEX 4.8 million PLEX remained available on the market. Now it is the most important and important currency that will give access to work with MinePlex Finance. MinePlex Payment has also been created on the basis of PLEX, which will soon begin its work. This will create a huge demand and liquidity for the token. The two main exchanges where PLEX tokens are currently traded are MEXC and BitMart. ❇️ About MINE While PLEX is being issued, MINE is working. After the issue ends, the company will allow MINE users to convert to PLEX, and then, at the discretion of the user, sell it on the stock exchange, exchange, etc.
Main News MinePlex.
Main News MinePlex Yesterday Alexander Mamasidikov, Fedor Bogorodsky and Vladimir Rodinka held a big important webinar with the MinePlex community. We discussed the most anticipated events of the summer, the company's development strategy, plans and the fate of the PLEX and MINE tokens, and more. Let's tell the main thing. ❇️ About Finance The updated Finance will be released in 2 months. It will be an absolutely universal full-fledged banking application: ✔️ a single balance for cryptocurrency and fiat, ✔️ the ability to make transactions, money transfers and cryptocurrencies by SWIFT, phone number or card, ✔️ Manage your assets, pay bills, use available traditional financial instruments in one place, ✔️ a full-fledged debit card linked to the account, with which you can pay with cryptocurrency and fiat anywhere in the world and which can be replenished at an ATM. What is working in Finance now? Now we are connecting all the services in the application, we have created a pre-release version. In July, as planned, a test version of Finance will be ready. A group of testers from the MinePlex community will soon begin testing the application. What's next in Finance? Debit cards of VISA, MIR, MasterCard payment systems will be issued first. Next, we plan to issue credit cards. A full-fledged marketplace will be implemented in the Finance application, where merchants will be able to exhibit products and trade for cryptocurrency. ❇️How do I get access to Finance? The main access to work with the application is 1000 PLEX on the balance. This is an irreducible deposit, which must always be in your account. Otherwise, cards and banking transactions will not work with any currency. All fees for issuing cards, transactions in the application will be paid with PLEX tokens. This will provide a huge flow of liquidity for PLEX tokens and create its utilitarianism, which was incorporated into the token's functions during the development of the MinePlex blockchain. ❇️ Blockchain MinePlex 2.0 We continue to scale the new blockchain. This is our main goal. Now we are raising the testnet of the EVM system. This will allow you to create multi-bridges, tokens in different networks, make anonymous payments and much more. In two weeks we will have a big technical zoom. Follow the news! ❇️ XFI Legal Review We have received a very important document to continue the work of the XFI coin. This is Ligal Opinion - a serious check from the largest Singapore law firm. The document confirms the safety and reliability of XFI and the full legal and financial verification of the company and the members of the MinePlex team. ❇️ Bibox We conducted our own investigation about the work of the crypto exchange and its scam. We have sued the exchange, but there are no results yet. We understand everyone who has money stuck there, but we cannot influence it because it is a decentralized exchange. Unfortunately, we are in the same situation. We are doing everything in our power. ❇️ About PLEX 4.8 million PLEX remained available on the market. Now it is the most important and important currency that will give access to work with MinePlex Finance. MinePlex Payment has also been created on the basis of PLEX, which will soon begin its work. This will create a huge demand and liquidity for the token. The two main exchanges where PLEX tokens are currently traded are MEXC and BitMart. ❇️ About MINE While PLEX is being issued, MINE is working. After the issue ends, the company will allow MINE users to convert to PLEX, and then, at the discretion of the user, sell it on the stock exchange, exchange, etc.
MinePlexPLEX #4235
16 Jun 2023, 15:42
Main News MinePlex Yesterday Alexander Mamasidikov, Fedor Bogorodsky and Vladimir Rodinka held a big important webinar with the MinePlex community. We discussed the most anticipated events of the summer, the company's development strategy, plans and the fate of the PLEX and MINE tokens, and more. Let's tell the main thing. ❇️ About Finance The updated Finance will be released in 2 months. It will be an absolutely universal full-fledged banking application: ✔️ a single balance for cryptocurrency and fiat, ✔️ the ability to make transactions, money transfers and cryptocurrencies by SWIFT, phone number or card, ✔️ Manage your assets, pay bills, use available traditional financial instruments in one place, ✔️ a full-fledged debit card linked to the account, with which you can pay with cryptocurrency and fiat anywhere in the world and which can be replenished at an ATM. What is working in Finance now? Now we are connecting all the services in the application, we have created a pre-release version. In July, as planned, a test version of Finance will be ready. A group of testers from the MinePlex community will soon begin testing the application. What's next in Finance? Debit cards of VISA, MIR, MasterCard payment systems will be issued first. Next, we plan to issue credit cards. A full-fledged marketplace will be implemented in the Finance application, where merchants will be able to exhibit products and trade for cryptocurrency. ❇️How do I get access to Finance? The main access to work with the application is 1000 PLEX on the balance. This is an irreducible deposit, which must always be in your account. Otherwise, cards and banking transactions will not work with any currency. All fees for issuing cards, transactions in the application will be paid with PLEX tokens. This will provide a huge flow of liquidity for PLEX tokens and create its utilitarianism, which was incorporated into the token's functions during the development of the MinePlex blockchain. ❇️ Blockchain MinePlex 2.0 We continue to scale the new blockchain. This is our main goal. Now we are raising the testnet of the EVM system. This will allow you to create multi-bridges, tokens in different networks, make anonymous payments and much more. In two weeks we will have a big technical zoom. Follow the news! ❇️ XFI Legal Review We have received a very important document to continue the work of the XFI coin. This is Ligal Opinion - a serious check from the largest Singapore law firm. The document confirms the safety and reliability of XFI and the full legal and financial verification of the company and the members of the MinePlex team. ❇️ Bibox We conducted our own investigation about the work of the crypto exchange and its scam. We have sued the exchange, but there are no results yet. We understand everyone who has money stuck there, but we cannot influence it because it is a decentralized exchange. Unfortunately, we are in the same situation. We are doing everything in our power. ❇️ About PLEX 4.8 million PLEX remained available on the market. Now it is the most important and important currency that will give access to work with MinePlex Finance. MinePlex Payment has also been created on the basis of PLEX, which will soon begin its work. This will create a huge demand and liquidity for the token. The two main exchanges where PLEX tokens are currently traded are MEXC and BitMart. ❇️ About MINE While PLEX is being issued, MINE is working. After the issue ends, the company will allow MINE users to convert to PLEX, and then, at the discretion of the user, sell it on the stock exchange, exchange, etc.
Main News MinePlex.
Main News MinePlex Yesterday Alexander Mamasidikov, Fedor Bogorodsky and Vladimir Rodinka held a big important webinar with the MinePlex community. We discussed the most anticipated events of the summer, the company's development strategy, plans and the fate of the PLEX and MINE tokens, and more. Let's tell the main thing. ❇️ About Finance The updated Finance will be released in 2 months. It will be an absolutely universal full-fledged banking application: ✔️ a single balance for cryptocurrency and fiat, ✔️ the ability to make transactions, money transfers and cryptocurrencies by SWIFT, phone number or card, ✔️ Manage your assets, pay bills, use available traditional financial instruments in one place, ✔️ a full-fledged debit card linked to the account, with which you can pay with cryptocurrency and fiat anywhere in the world and which can be replenished at an ATM. What is working in Finance now? Now we are connecting all the services in the application, we have created a pre-release version. In July, as planned, a test version of Finance will be ready. A group of testers from the MinePlex community will soon begin testing the application. What's next in Finance? Debit cards of VISA, MIR, MasterCard payment systems will be issued first. Next, we plan to issue credit cards. A full-fledged marketplace will be implemented in the Finance application, where merchants will be able to exhibit products and trade for cryptocurrency. ❇️How do I get access to Finance? The main access to work with the application is 1000 PLEX on the balance. This is an irreducible deposit, which must always be in your account. Otherwise, cards and banking transactions will not work with any currency. All fees for issuing cards, transactions in the application will be paid with PLEX tokens. This will provide a huge flow of liquidity for PLEX tokens and create its utilitarianism, which was incorporated into the token's functions during the development of the MinePlex blockchain. ❇️ Blockchain MinePlex 2.0 We continue to scale the new blockchain. This is our main goal. Now we are raising the testnet of the EVM system. This will allow you to create multi-bridges, tokens in different networks, make anonymous payments and much more. In two weeks we will have a big technical zoom. Follow the news! ❇️ XFI Legal Review We have received a very important document to continue the work of the XFI coin. This is Ligal Opinion - a serious check from the largest Singapore law firm. The document confirms the safety and reliability of XFI and the full legal and financial verification of the company and the members of the MinePlex team. ❇️ Bibox We conducted our own investigation about the work of the crypto exchange and its scam. We have sued the exchange, but there are no results yet. We understand everyone who has money stuck there, but we cannot influence it because it is a decentralized exchange. Unfortunately, we are in the same situation. We are doing everything in our power. ❇️ About PLEX 4.8 million PLEX remained available on the market. Now it is the most important and important currency that will give access to work with MinePlex Finance. MinePlex Payment has also been created on the basis of PLEX, which will soon begin its work. This will create a huge demand and liquidity for the token. The two main exchanges where PLEX tokens are currently traded are MEXC and BitMart. ❇️ About MINE While PLEX is being issued, MINE is working. After the issue ends, the company will allow MINE users to convert to PLEX, and then, at the discretion of the user, sell it on the stock exchange, exchange, etc.
MinePlexPLEX #4235
16 Jun 2023, 15:42
Продолжение ❇️Новые партнеры В ОАЭ мы заключили партнерство с компанией, которая подключает свой бизнес к системе MinePlex Payment. Будет установлена сеть терминалов MinePlex, выпущены карты. Мерчанты будут принимать криптовалюту и токены PLEX. И это еще одна новая утилитарная функция токена. “Многие компании на рынке банкротятся и уходят с рынка. Мы не собираемся никуда уходить. После запуска Finance и Payment ситуация с ценой токенов кардинально изменится. Мы не имитируем бурную деятельность, мы работаем каждый день для наших пользователей уже более четырех лет. Мы благодарны за вашу веру!” Александр Мамасидиков, CEO MinePlex
Продолжение. Новые партнеры.
Продолжение ❇️Новые партнеры В ОАЭ мы заключили партнерство с компанией, которая подключает свой бизнес к системе MinePlex Payment. Будет установлена сеть терминалов MinePlex, выпущены карты. Мерчанты будут принимать криптовалюту и токены PLEX. И это еще одна новая утилитарная функция токена. “Многие компании на рынке банкротятся и уходят с рынка. Мы не собираемся никуда уходить. После запуска Finance и Payment ситуация с ценой токенов кардинально изменится. Мы не имитируем бурную деятельность, мы работаем каждый день для наших пользователей уже более четырех лет. Мы благодарны за вашу веру!” Александр Мамасидиков, CEO MinePlex