Как CrossFi технология меняет цифровой ландшафт Вьетнама. Вьетнам стал активным криптохабом за последние четыре года.

07 Jul 2023, 09:54
Как CrossFi технология меняет цифровой ландшафт Вьетнама Вьетнам стал активным криптохабом за последние четыре года. Страна лидирует в рейтинге темпов роста цифровых экономик, опережая США, Китай и ОАЭ, занимает первое место по проникновению криптовалют. Факторами для такого подъема стали альтернатива криптовалют в качестве инвестиций для граждан, распространение интернета, привлечение стартапов во Вьетнам, рост образованности и интереса среди молодежи. Все это способствует становлению Вьетнама как центра многих криптовалютных инициатив. Два лидирующих новостных издания Вьетнама опубликовали обзоры нового блокчейна и технологии CrossFi. Авторы исследовали причины популярности технологии и продуктов CrossFi в стране, возможности для пользователей и рассказали о способах привлечения талантливых разработчиков в проект. 👉Читать подробнее: ✔️Thebittimes ✔️Tapchibitcoin

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MinePlexPLEX #4235
07 Jul 2023, 09:54
How CrossFi Technology Is Changing Vietnam's Digital Landscape Vietnam has become an active crypto hub over the past four years. The country is leading in the ranking of the growth rates of digital economies, ahead of the United States, China and the UAE, and ranks first in the penetration of cryptocurrencies. The factors for such a rise were the alternative of cryptocurrencies as investments for citizens, the spread of the Internet, the attraction of startups to Vietnam, the growth of education and interest among young people. All this contributes to the formation of Vietnam as the center of many cryptocurrency initiatives. Two leading news platforms in Vietnam have published reviews of the blockchain and CrossFi technology. The authors investigated the reasons for the popularity of CrossFi technology and products in the country, opportunities for users and talked about ways to attract talented developers to the project. 👉 Read more: ✔️ Thebittimes ✔️ Tapchibitcoin
How CrossFi Technology Is Changing Vietnam's Digital Landscape.
How CrossFi Technology Is Changing Vietnam's Digital Landscape Vietnam has become an active crypto hub over the past four years. The country is leading in the ranking of the growth rates of digital economies, ahead of the United States, China and the UAE, and ranks first in the penetration of cryptocurrencies. The factors for such a rise were the alternative of cryptocurrencies as investments for citizens, the spread of the Internet, the attraction of startups to Vietnam, the growth of education and interest among young people. All this contributes to the formation of Vietnam as the center of many cryptocurrency initiatives. Two leading news platforms in Vietnam have published reviews of the blockchain and CrossFi technology. The authors investigated the reasons for the popularity of CrossFi technology and products in the country, opportunities for users and talked about ways to attract talented developers to the project. 👉 Read more: ✔️ Thebittimes https://vn.thebittimes.com/lam-the-nao-viet-nam-tro-thanh-trung-tam-tien-dien-tu-va-thu-hut-cac-du-an-chuoi-khoi-lon-nhat-tbt54127.html ✔️ Tapchibitcoin https://tapchibitcoin.io/digital-vietnam-cuoc-cach-mang-blockchain-trong-nuoc-tren-vi-du-ve-finance-xfi.html
MinePlexPLEX #4235
07 Jul 2023, 09:54
How CrossFi Technology Is Changing Vietnam's Digital Landscape Vietnam has become an active crypto hub over the past four years. The country is leading in the ranking of the growth rates of digital economies, ahead of the United States, China and the UAE, and ranks first in the penetration of cryptocurrencies. The factors for such a rise were the alternative of cryptocurrencies as investments for citizens, the spread of the Internet, the attraction of startups to Vietnam, the growth of education and interest among young people. All this contributes to the formation of Vietnam as the center of many cryptocurrency initiatives. Two leading news platforms in Vietnam have published reviews of the blockchain and CrossFi technology. The authors investigated the reasons for the popularity of CrossFi technology and products in the country, opportunities for users and talked about ways to attract talented developers to the project. 👉 Read more: ✔️ Thebittimes ✔️ Tapchibitcoin
How CrossFi Technology Is Changing Vietnam's Digital Landscape.
How CrossFi Technology Is Changing Vietnam's Digital Landscape Vietnam has become an active crypto hub over the past four years. The country is leading in the ranking of the growth rates of digital economies, ahead of the United States, China and the UAE, and ranks first in the penetration of cryptocurrencies. The factors for such a rise were the alternative of cryptocurrencies as investments for citizens, the spread of the Internet, the attraction of startups to Vietnam, the growth of education and interest among young people. All this contributes to the formation of Vietnam as the center of many cryptocurrency initiatives. Two leading news platforms in Vietnam have published reviews of the blockchain and CrossFi technology. The authors investigated the reasons for the popularity of CrossFi technology and products in the country, opportunities for users and talked about ways to attract talented developers to the project. 👉 Read more: ✔️ Thebittimes https://vn.thebittimes.com/lam-the-nao-viet-nam-tro-thanh-trung-tam-tien-dien-tu-va-thu-hut-cac-du-an-chuoi-khoi-lon-nhat-tbt54127.html ✔️ Tapchibitcoin https://tapchibitcoin.io/digital-vietnam-cuoc-cach-mang-blockchain-trong-nuoc-tren-vi-du-ve-finance-xfi.html