Кастомные монеты. Что это такое и зачем они нужны.

15 May 2023, 12:16
Кастомные монеты. Что это такое и зачем они нужны? Команда разработки MinePlex активно работает над внедрением EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) в наш блокчейн. Это позволит создавать смарт контракты, с помощью которых можно будет выпускать кастомные монеты. Обсудим, зачем они нужны для пользователей MinePlex и как их создать. Что такое кастомные монеты? Это монеты, аналогичные токенам сети Ethereum - ERC 20. Однако они имеют свои особенности и ряд преимуществ. Как создать монету? Кастомную монету сможет создать любой держатель монет MPX. Для этого не нужно знать языки программирования. Для создания монет в кошельках MinePlex появится отдельная удобная вкладка. Необходимо будет выбрать следующие параметры: ✅Начальная эмиссия (IE). ✅Начальный резерв (IR) в монетах MPX. После этого автоматически рассчитается параметр стоимости для создателя: СP = IR / IE. ✅Максимальное предложение монет MS. Оно может быть безграничным или иметь определенное количество и совпадать с начальной эмиссией. Особенности кастомной монеты Кастомная монета может быть волатильна по отношению к монете MPX. Чтобы сделать волатильную монету, необходимо будет выбрать дополнительные 3 параметра: ✅Стартовая цена для пользователей SP (может иметь любое значение CP). ✅Размер шага SS - какое количество монет должно быть куплено/продано, чтобы произошел рост/падение стоимости. ✅Стоимость шага SC - на сколько повышается/снижается стоимость монеты за шаг. Волатильные монеты имеют параметр стоимости делегирования DP, который рассчитывается следующим образом: общий резерв монеты в MPX / количество монет в стейках Параметр DP может быть как больше, так и меньше текущей стоимости кастомной монеты. Преимущества Один из основных параметров для кастомных монет - резерв в монетах MPX. Поэтому каждая кастомная монета будет иметь свою стоимость в MPX и ее можно будет делегировать и добывать монеты XFI. Все подробности создания и возможности использования кастомных монет мы опубликуем позже. Следите за новостями!

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MinePlexPLEX #4235
15 May 2023, 12:17
Custom coins. What is it and why is it needed? The MinePlex development team is actively working on the implementation of EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) in our blockchain. This will allow you to create smart contracts with which you can issue custom coins. Let's discuss why they are needed for MinePlex users and how to create them. What are custom coins? These are coins similar to the tokens of the Ethereum network - ERC 20. However, they have their own characteristics and advantages. How to create a coin? Any MPX coin holder can create a custom coin. You don't need to know programming languages to do this. To create coins in MinePlex wallets, a separate convenient tab will appear. You will need to select the following parameters: ✅Initial Emission (IE). ✅Initial Reserve (IR) in MPX coins. After that, the cost parameter for the creator is automatically calculated: CP = IR / IE. ✅Maximum offer of coins (MS). It can be unlimited or have a certain amount and coincide with the initial emission. Features of a custom coin A custom coin can be volatile relative to an MPX coin. To make a volatile coin, you will need to select an additional 3 parameters: ✅Starting price for users SP (can have any value CP). ✅Step size SS - how many coins must be bought/sold in order for the value to rise/fall. ✅The cost of the step SC is how much the value of the coin increases/decreases per step. Volatile coins have a delegation cost parameter DP, which is calculated as follows: total coin reserve in MPX / number of coins in steaks The DP parameter can be either more or less than the current value of a custom coin. Advantages One of the main parameters for custom coins is the reserve in MPX coins. Therefore, each custom coin will have its own value in MPX and it will be possible to delegate and mine XFI coins. We will publish all the details of the creation and the possibility of using custom coins later. Follow the news!
Custom coins. What is it and why is it needed.
Custom coins. What is it and why is it needed? The MinePlex development team is actively working on the implementation of EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) in our blockchain. This will allow you to create smart contracts with which you can issue custom coins. Let's discuss why they are needed for MinePlex users and how to create them. What are custom coins? These are coins similar to the tokens of the Ethereum network - ERC 20. However, they have their own characteristics and advantages. How to create a coin? Any MPX coin holder can create a custom coin. You don't need to know programming languages to do this. To create coins in MinePlex wallets, a separate convenient tab will appear. You will need to select the following parameters: ✅Initial Emission (IE). ✅Initial Reserve (IR) in MPX coins. After that, the cost parameter for the creator is automatically calculated: CP = IR / IE. ✅Maximum offer of coins (MS). It can be unlimited or have a certain amount and coincide with the initial emission. Features of a custom coin A custom coin can be volatile relative to an MPX coin. To make a volatile coin, you will need to select an additional 3 parameters: ✅Starting price for users SP (can have any value ⩾ CP). ✅Step size SS - how many coins must be bought/sold in order for the value to rise/fall. ✅The cost of the step SC is how much the value of the coin increases/decreases per step. Volatile coins have a delegation cost parameter DP, which is calculated as follows: total coin reserve in MPX / number of coins in steaks The DP parameter can be either more or less than the current value of a custom coin. Advantages One of the main parameters for custom coins is the reserve in MPX coins. Therefore, each custom coin will have its own value in MPX and it will be possible to delegate and mine XFI coins. We will publish all the details of the creation and the possibility of using custom coins later. Follow the news!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
15 May 2023, 12:17
Custom coins. What is it and why is it needed? The MinePlex development team is actively working on the implementation of EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) in our blockchain. This will allow you to create smart contracts with which you can issue custom coins. Let's discuss why they are needed for MinePlex users and how to create them. What are custom coins? These are coins similar to the tokens of the Ethereum network - ERC 20. However, they have their own characteristics and advantages. How to create a coin? Any MPX coin holder can create a custom coin. You don't need to know programming languages to do this. To create coins in MinePlex wallets, a separate convenient tab will appear. You will need to select the following parameters: ✅Initial Emission (IE). ✅Initial Reserve (IR) in MPX coins. After that, the cost parameter for the creator is automatically calculated: CP = IR / IE. ✅Maximum offer of coins (MS). It can be unlimited or have a certain amount and coincide with the initial emission. Features of a custom coin A custom coin can be volatile relative to an MPX coin. To make a volatile coin, you will need to select an additional 3 parameters: ✅Starting price for users SP (can have any value CP). ✅Step size SS - how many coins must be bought/sold in order for the value to rise/fall. ✅The cost of the step SC is how much the value of the coin increases/decreases per step. Volatile coins have a delegation cost parameter DP, which is calculated as follows: total coin reserve in MPX / number of coins in steaks The DP parameter can be either more or less than the current value of a custom coin. Advantages One of the main parameters for custom coins is the reserve in MPX coins. Therefore, each custom coin will have its own value in MPX and it will be possible to delegate and mine XFI coins. We will publish all the details of the creation and the possibility of using custom coins later. Follow the news!
Custom coins. What is it and why is it needed.
Custom coins. What is it and why is it needed? The MinePlex development team is actively working on the implementation of EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) in our blockchain. This will allow you to create smart contracts with which you can issue custom coins. Let's discuss why they are needed for MinePlex users and how to create them. What are custom coins? These are coins similar to the tokens of the Ethereum network - ERC 20. However, they have their own characteristics and advantages. How to create a coin? Any MPX coin holder can create a custom coin. You don't need to know programming languages to do this. To create coins in MinePlex wallets, a separate convenient tab will appear. You will need to select the following parameters: ✅Initial Emission (IE). ✅Initial Reserve (IR) in MPX coins. After that, the cost parameter for the creator is automatically calculated: CP = IR / IE. ✅Maximum offer of coins (MS). It can be unlimited or have a certain amount and coincide with the initial emission. Features of a custom coin A custom coin can be volatile relative to an MPX coin. To make a volatile coin, you will need to select an additional 3 parameters: ✅Starting price for users SP (can have any value ⩾ CP). ✅Step size SS - how many coins must be bought/sold in order for the value to rise/fall. ✅The cost of the step SC is how much the value of the coin increases/decreases per step. Volatile coins have a delegation cost parameter DP, which is calculated as follows: total coin reserve in MPX / number of coins in steaks The DP parameter can be either more or less than the current value of a custom coin. Advantages One of the main parameters for custom coins is the reserve in MPX coins. Therefore, each custom coin will have its own value in MPX and it will be possible to delegate and mine XFI coins. We will publish all the details of the creation and the possibility of using custom coins later. Follow the news!