​Кто пользуется MinePlex. Компания MinePlex работает на рынке финтеха с 2020 года.

24 May 2023, 15:59
​Кто пользуется MinePlex? Компания MinePlex работает на рынке финтеха с 2020 года. Мы занимаем нишу криптовалютных переводов, банковского сектора, платежных систем, финансовых и блокчейн технологий. Сегодня обсудим, кто же пользуется MinePlex? Кто аудитория MinePlex? Самые активные пользователи MinePlex - это поколение миллениалов (33%) и поколение Z (27%). Они главные покупатели криптовалюты в мире. Имеют самые высокие показатели принятия криптовалют из всех групп населения и, согласно последним исследованиям, хотят видеть криптовалюту в пенсионных фондах. Интересы пользователей MinePlex: ✅Технологии ✅Финансы, инвестиции, цифровые активы ✅Финансовые сервисы ✅Банкинг Это секторы, в которых работает команда MinePlex, и которые поддерживает наша аудитория. Где живут пользователи MinePlex? ❇️Азия - 49% ❇️Европа - 44,5% 21% пользователей проекта живет во Вьетнаме. Это одни из самых активных крипто рынков, быстро развивающихся, с внедрением цифровых активов в различные секторы. Многие страны Азии и Европы объявили о своих стремлениях стать центром инноваций и блокчейн технологий. Эти континенты находятся на продвинутой стадии регулирования криптоактивов. Аудитория MinePlex в цифрах ❇️95 стран ❇️5 континентов: Азия, Европа, Америка, Африка, Океания ❇️+45% новые пользователи каждый месяц ❇️67% пользователей посещают MinePlex с мобильных устройств ❇️52% аудитории пользуются Android ❇️59% пользователей MinePlex - мужчины "Глядя за развитием проекта, ты видишь, насколько мощной может быть командная работа. Именно комьюнити делает проект успешным, а не его создатель или один человек." Александр Мамасидиков, CEO & Co-Founder MinePlex Комьюнити - это главное достижение любого проекта. Мы видим поддержку нашей аудитории, нам важна ваша обратная связь. Мы готовимся к реализации новых шагов в развитии проекта. Спасибо, что вы с нами!

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MinePlexPLEX #4235
25 May 2023, 14:01
Listing XFI on MEXC and disabling XFI to USDT conversion Tomorrow at 10.00 (UTC), the listing of XFI on the global crypto exchange MEXC will begin. XFI/USDT pairs will be available. At the same time, we will disable the possibility of converting XFI to USDT in the wallet. The price of XFI in Explorer will get rid of the formula and will correspond to the market rate. We are starting a new stage of XFI development. Thank you for being with us!
Listing XFI on MEXC and disabling XFI to USDT conversion. Tomorrow at 10.
Listing XFI on MEXC and disabling XFI to USDT conversion Tomorrow at 10.00 (UTC), the listing of XFI on the global crypto exchange MEXC will begin. XFI/USDT pairs will be available. At the same time, we will disable the possibility of converting XFI to USDT in the wallet. The price of XFI in Explorer will get rid of the formula and will correspond to the market rate. We are starting a new stage of XFI development. Thank you for being with us!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
25 May 2023, 14:01
Listing XFI on MEXC and disabling XFI to USDT conversion Tomorrow at 10.00 (UTC), the listing of XFI on the global crypto exchange MEXC will begin. XFI/USDT pairs will be available. At the same time, we will disable the possibility of converting XFI to USDT in the wallet. The price of XFI in Explorer will get rid of the formula and will correspond to the market rate. We are starting a new stage of XFI development. Thank you for being with us!
Listing XFI on MEXC and disabling XFI to USDT conversion. Tomorrow at 10.
Listing XFI on MEXC and disabling XFI to USDT conversion Tomorrow at 10.00 (UTC), the listing of XFI on the global crypto exchange MEXC will begin. XFI/USDT pairs will be available. At the same time, we will disable the possibility of converting XFI to USDT in the wallet. The price of XFI in Explorer will get rid of the formula and will correspond to the market rate. We are starting a new stage of XFI development. Thank you for being with us!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
25 May 2023, 14:00
Листинг XFI на MEXC и отключение конвертации XFI в USDT Завтра в 10.00 (UTC) начнётся торговля XFI на глобальной криптобирже MEXC. Будут доступны пары XFI/USDT. В это же время в кошельке мы отключим возможность конвертации XFI в USDT. Цена XFI в Explorer отвяжется от формулы и будет соответствовать рыночному курсу. Мы начинаем новый этап развития XFI. Спасибо, что вы с нами!
Листинг XFI на MEXC и отключение конвертации XFI в USDT. Завтра в 10.
Листинг XFI на MEXC и отключение конвертации XFI в USDT Завтра в 10.00 (UTC) начнётся торговля XFI на глобальной криптобирже MEXC. Будут доступны пары XFI/USDT. В это же время в кошельке мы отключим возможность конвертации XFI в USDT. Цена XFI в Explorer отвяжется от формулы и будет соответствовать рыночному курсу. Мы начинаем новый этап развития XFI. Спасибо, что вы с нами!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
25 May 2023, 08:30
MinePlex telegram news 25 May 2023 08:30
MinePlexPLEX #4235
25 May 2023, 08:30
Listing XFI on MEXC We are happy to announce the first listing of XFI coins. On May 26, at 10.00 (UTC), XFI trading will open on the global exchange MEXC. XFI/USDT pairs will be available. On May 25, MEXC Global is holding a Kickstarter listing campaign initiated by the team before the launch of XFI, where users can place tokens and vote in support of their favorite project. MEXC Global is one of the most high-performance cryptocurrency exchanges. The MEXC Global team are pioneers of financial technologies and blockchain technology. Currently, MEXC Global serves more than 10 million users in more than 170 countries and regions of the world. Follow the news!
Listing XFI on MEXC. We are happy to announce the first listing of XFI coins. On May 26, at 10.
Listing XFI on MEXC We are happy to announce the first listing of XFI coins. On May 26, at 10.00 (UTC), XFI trading will open on the global exchange MEXC. XFI/USDT pairs will be available. On May 25, MEXC Global is holding a Kickstarter listing campaign initiated by the team before the launch of XFI, where users can place tokens and vote in support of their favorite project. MEXC Global is one of the most high-performance cryptocurrency exchanges. The MEXC Global team are pioneers of financial technologies and blockchain technology. Currently, MEXC Global serves more than 10 million users in more than 170 countries and regions of the world. https://www.mexc.com/en-US/support/articles/17827791508622 Follow the news!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
25 May 2023, 08:30
Listing XFI on MEXC We are happy to announce the first listing of XFI coins. On May 26, at 10.00 (UTC), XFI trading will open on the global exchange MEXC. XFI/USDT pairs will be available. On May 25, MEXC Global is holding a Kickstarter listing campaign initiated by the team before the launch of XFI, where users can place tokens and vote in support of their favorite project. MEXC Global is one of the most high-performance cryptocurrency exchanges. The MEXC Global team are pioneers of financial technologies and blockchain technology. Currently, MEXC Global serves more than 10 million users in more than 170 countries and regions of the world. Follow the news!
Listing XFI on MEXC. We are happy to announce the first listing of XFI coins. On May 26, at 10.
Listing XFI on MEXC We are happy to announce the first listing of XFI coins. On May 26, at 10.00 (UTC), XFI trading will open on the global exchange MEXC. XFI/USDT pairs will be available. On May 25, MEXC Global is holding a Kickstarter listing campaign initiated by the team before the launch of XFI, where users can place tokens and vote in support of their favorite project. MEXC Global is one of the most high-performance cryptocurrency exchanges. The MEXC Global team are pioneers of financial technologies and blockchain technology. Currently, MEXC Global serves more than 10 million users in more than 170 countries and regions of the world. https://www.mexc.com/en-US/support/articles/17827791508622 Follow the news!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
25 May 2023, 08:30
MinePlex telegram news 25 May 2023 08:30
MinePlexPLEX #4235
25 May 2023, 07:35
Листинг XFI на MEXC Мы с радостью хотим обьявить о первом листинге монет XFI. 26 мая в 10.00 (UTC) откроется торговля XFI на глобальной бирже MEXC. Будут доступны пары XFI/USDT. 25 мая MEXC Global проведет листинговую кампанию Kickstarter, инициированную командой перед запуском XFI, где пользователи могут размещать токены и голосовать в поддержку своего любимого проекта. MEXC Global - это одна из самых высокопроизводительных бирж криптовалют. Команда MEXC Global - пионеры финансовых технологий и технологии блокчейн. В настоящее время MEXC Global обслуживает более 10 миллионов пользователей в более чем 170 странах и регионах мира. Следите за новостями!
Листинг XFI на MEXC. Мы с радостью хотим обьявить о первом листинге монет XFI. 26 мая в 10.
Листинг XFI на MEXC Мы с радостью хотим обьявить о первом листинге монет XFI. 26 мая в 10.00 (UTC) откроется торговля XFI на глобальной бирже MEXC. Будут доступны пары XFI/USDT. 25 мая MEXC Global проведет листинговую кампанию Kickstarter, инициированную командой перед запуском XFI, где пользователи могут размещать токены и голосовать в поддержку своего любимого проекта. MEXC Global - это одна из самых высокопроизводительных бирж криптовалют. Команда MEXC Global - пионеры финансовых технологий и технологии блокчейн. В настоящее время MEXC Global обслуживает более 10 миллионов пользователей в более чем 170 странах и регионах мира. https://www.mexc.com/ru-RU/support/articles/17827791508622 Следите за новостями!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
24 May 2023, 15:59
​Who uses MinePlex? MinePlex has been operating in the fintech market since 2020. We occupy a niche of cryptocurrency transfers, the banking sector, payment systems, financial and blockchain technologies. Today we will discuss who uses MinePlex? Who is the MinePlex audience? The most active users of MinePlex are millennials (33%) and Generation Z (27%). They are the main buyers of cryptocurrency in the world. They have the highest rates of acceptance of cryptocurrencies from all population groups and, according to recent studies, they want to see cryptocurrencies in pension funds. MinePlex users' interests: ✅Technologies ✅Finance, investments, digital assets ✅Financial services ✅Banking These are the sectors in which the MinePlex team works, and which our audience supports. Where do MinePlex users live? ❇️Asia - 49% ❇️Europe - 44.5% 21% of the project's users live in Vietnam. These are some of the most active crypto markets, rapidly developing, with the introduction of digital assets in various sectors. Many countries in Asia and Europe have announced their aspirations to become a center of innovation and blockchain technologies. These continents are at an advanced stage of crypto asset regulation. MinePlex audience in numbers ❇️95 countries ❇️5 continents: Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Oceania ❇️+45% new users every month ❇️67% of users visit MinePlex from mobile devices ❇️52% of the audience use Android ❇️59% of MinePlex users are men "Looking at the development of the project, you see how powerful teamwork can be. It is the community that makes the project successful, not its creator or one person." Alexander Mamasidikov, CEO & Co-Founder of MinePlex Community is the main achievement of any project. We see the support of our audience, your feedback is important to us. We are preparing to implement new steps in the development of the project. Thank you for being with us!
​Who uses MinePlex. MinePlex has been operating in the fintech market since 2020.
​Who uses MinePlex? MinePlex has been operating in the fintech market since 2020. We occupy a niche of cryptocurrency transfers, the banking sector, payment systems, financial and blockchain technologies. Today we will discuss who uses MinePlex? Who is the MinePlex audience? The most active users of MinePlex are millennials (33%) and Generation Z (27%). They are the main buyers of cryptocurrency in the world. They have the highest rates of acceptance of cryptocurrencies from all population groups and, according to recent studies, they want to see cryptocurrencies in pension funds. MinePlex users' interests: ✅Technologies ✅Finance, investments, digital assets ✅Financial services ✅Banking These are the sectors in which the MinePlex team works, and which our audience supports. Where do MinePlex users live? ❇️Asia - 49% ❇️Europe - 44.5% 21% of the project's users live in Vietnam. These are some of the most active crypto markets, rapidly developing, with the introduction of digital assets in various sectors. Many countries in Asia and Europe have announced their aspirations to become a center of innovation and blockchain technologies. These continents are at an advanced stage of crypto asset regulation. MinePlex audience in numbers ❇️95 countries ❇️5 continents: Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Oceania ❇️+45% new users every month ❇️67% of users visit MinePlex from mobile devices ❇️52% of the audience use Android ❇️59% of MinePlex users are men "Looking at the development of the project, you see how powerful teamwork can be. It is the community that makes the project successful, not its creator or one person." Alexander Mamasidikov, CEO & Co-Founder of MinePlex Community is the main achievement of any project. We see the support of our audience, your feedback is important to us. We are preparing to implement new steps in the development of the project. Thank you for being with us!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
24 May 2023, 15:59
​Who uses MinePlex? MinePlex has been operating in the fintech market since 2020. We occupy a niche of cryptocurrency transfers, the banking sector, payment systems, financial and blockchain technologies. Today we will discuss who uses MinePlex? Who is the MinePlex audience? The most active users of MinePlex are millennials (33%) and Generation Z (27%). They are the main buyers of cryptocurrency in the world. They have the highest rates of acceptance of cryptocurrencies from all population groups and, according to recent studies, they want to see cryptocurrencies in pension funds. MinePlex users' interests: ✅Technologies ✅Finance, investments, digital assets ✅Financial services ✅Banking These are the sectors in which the MinePlex team works, and which our audience supports. Where do MinePlex users live? ❇️Asia - 49% ❇️Europe - 44.5% 21% of the project's users live in Vietnam. These are some of the most active crypto markets, rapidly developing, with the introduction of digital assets in various sectors. Many countries in Asia and Europe have announced their aspirations to become a center of innovation and blockchain technologies. These continents are at an advanced stage of crypto asset regulation. MinePlex audience in numbers ❇️95 countries ❇️5 continents: Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Oceania ❇️+45% new users every month ❇️67% of users visit MinePlex from mobile devices ❇️52% of the audience use Android ❇️59% of MinePlex users are men "Looking at the development of the project, you see how powerful teamwork can be. It is the community that makes the project successful, not its creator or one person." Alexander Mamasidikov, CEO & Co-Founder of MinePlex Community is the main achievement of any project. We see the support of our audience, your feedback is important to us. We are preparing to implement new steps in the development of the project. Thank you for being with us!
​Who uses MinePlex. MinePlex has been operating in the fintech market since 2020.
​Who uses MinePlex? MinePlex has been operating in the fintech market since 2020. We occupy a niche of cryptocurrency transfers, the banking sector, payment systems, financial and blockchain technologies. Today we will discuss who uses MinePlex? Who is the MinePlex audience? The most active users of MinePlex are millennials (33%) and Generation Z (27%). They are the main buyers of cryptocurrency in the world. They have the highest rates of acceptance of cryptocurrencies from all population groups and, according to recent studies, they want to see cryptocurrencies in pension funds. MinePlex users' interests: ✅Technologies ✅Finance, investments, digital assets ✅Financial services ✅Banking These are the sectors in which the MinePlex team works, and which our audience supports. Where do MinePlex users live? ❇️Asia - 49% ❇️Europe - 44.5% 21% of the project's users live in Vietnam. These are some of the most active crypto markets, rapidly developing, with the introduction of digital assets in various sectors. Many countries in Asia and Europe have announced their aspirations to become a center of innovation and blockchain technologies. These continents are at an advanced stage of crypto asset regulation. MinePlex audience in numbers ❇️95 countries ❇️5 continents: Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Oceania ❇️+45% new users every month ❇️67% of users visit MinePlex from mobile devices ❇️52% of the audience use Android ❇️59% of MinePlex users are men "Looking at the development of the project, you see how powerful teamwork can be. It is the community that makes the project successful, not its creator or one person." Alexander Mamasidikov, CEO & Co-Founder of MinePlex Community is the main achievement of any project. We see the support of our audience, your feedback is important to us. We are preparing to implement new steps in the development of the project. Thank you for being with us!