Куда инвестируют киты.

01 Aug 2023, 15:34
Куда инвестируют киты? Крупнейшая консалтинговая компания PWC опубликовала новое исследование-отчет об инвестициях ведущих хедж-фондов в 2023 году. Обсудим, куда они инвестируют и какие прогнозы делают относительно крипторынка. Инвестиции хедж-фондов в криптовалюты 29% традиционных хедж фондов в 2023 году инвестируют в криптоактивы. В прошлом году их число было больше на 8%, спад связан с турбулентностью крипторынка и мировым регулированием. Однако, по словам специалистов PWC, ни один из инвестирующих в этом году фондов не намерен уходить с крипторынка. Доверие с точки зрения долгосрочной перспективы криптоактивов выглядит устойчивым. Прогнозы традиционных хедж-фондов 93% хедж-фондов уверены, что рыночная капитализация крипто-активов в конце 2023 года будет выше, чем в 2022. Хедж-фонды, которые уже инвестируют в криптовалюту, подтвердили, что планируют увеличивать вклады. На это не повлияет волатильность рынка или нормативные барьеры. Треть фондов, которые еще не инвестировали, задумываются над этим, но ждут, когда рынок крипто активов станет более стабильными. Прогнозы крипто хедж-фондов Хедж-фонды, которые инвестируют исключительно в криптоактивы, назвали ряд факторов, которые становятся важными при выборе проектов. Большую роль играет ликвидность и безопасность платформы. Другой ключевой фактор - усиление прозрачности и регулирования крипторынка. Инвестиции в криптоактивы интересуют традиционные хедж фонды в долгосрочной перспективе. Их вклады в 2023 остаются высокими и будут увеличиваться. Ключевым фактором риск, как для традиционных, так и крипто фондов, остается отсутствие регулирования и ненадежность, злоупотребления руководства проектов.

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MinePlexPLEX #4235
01 Aug 2023, 15:35
Where do hedge funds invest? The largest consulting company PWC has published a new study-a report on the investments of leading hedge funds in 2023. We will discuss where they invest and what forecasts they make regarding the crypto market. Hedge Fund Investments in Cryptocurrencies 29% of traditional hedge funds will invest in crypto assets in 2023. Last year, their number was 8% more, the decline is due to the turbulence of the crypto market and global regulation. However, according to PWC experts, none of the funds investing this year intends to leave the crypto market. Trust from the point of view of the long-term perspective of crypto assets looks stable. Forecasts of traditional hedge funds 93% of hedge funds are confident that the market capitalization of crypto assets at the end of 2023 will be higher than in 2022. Hedge funds that are already investing in cryptocurrency have confirmed that they plan to increase deposits. This will not be affected by market volatility or regulatory barriers. A third of funds that have not invested yet are thinking about it, but are waiting for the crypto asset market to become more stable. Crypto Hedge Fund Forecasts Hedge funds that invest exclusively in crypto assets have named a number of factors that become important when choosing projects. The liquidity and security of the platform play an important role. Another key factor is the strengthening of transparency and regulation of the crypto market. Investments in crypto assets are of interest to traditional hedge funds in the long term. Their contributions in 2023 remain high and will increase. The key risk factor for both traditional and crypto funds remains the lack of regulation and unreliability, abuse of project management.
Where do hedge funds invest.
Where do hedge funds invest? The largest consulting company PWC has published a new study-a report on the investments of leading hedge funds in 2023. We will discuss where they invest and what forecasts they make regarding the crypto market. Hedge Fund Investments in Cryptocurrencies 29% of traditional hedge funds will invest in crypto assets in 2023. Last year, their number was 8% more, the decline is due to the turbulence of the crypto market and global regulation. However, according to PWC experts, none of the funds investing this year intends to leave the crypto market. Trust from the point of view of the long-term perspective of crypto assets looks stable. Forecasts of traditional hedge funds 93% of hedge funds are confident that the market capitalization of crypto assets at the end of 2023 will be higher than in 2022. Hedge funds that are already investing in cryptocurrency have confirmed that they plan to increase deposits. This will not be affected by market volatility or regulatory barriers. A third of funds that have not invested yet are thinking about it, but are waiting for the crypto asset market to become more stable. Crypto Hedge Fund Forecasts Hedge funds that invest exclusively in crypto assets have named a number of factors that become important when choosing projects. The liquidity and security of the platform play an important role. Another key factor is the strengthening of transparency and regulation of the crypto market. Investments in crypto assets are of interest to traditional hedge funds in the long term. Their contributions in 2023 remain high and will increase. The key risk factor for both traditional and crypto funds remains the lack of regulation and unreliability, abuse of project management.
MinePlexPLEX #4235
01 Aug 2023, 15:35
Where do hedge funds invest? The largest consulting company PWC has published a new study-a report on the investments of leading hedge funds in 2023. We will discuss where they invest and what forecasts they make regarding the crypto market. Hedge Fund Investments in Cryptocurrencies 29% of traditional hedge funds will invest in crypto assets in 2023. Last year, their number was 8% more, the decline is due to the turbulence of the crypto market and global regulation. However, according to PWC experts, none of the funds investing this year intends to leave the crypto market. Trust from the point of view of the long-term perspective of crypto assets looks stable. Forecasts of traditional hedge funds 93% of hedge funds are confident that the market capitalization of crypto assets at the end of 2023 will be higher than in 2022. Hedge funds that are already investing in cryptocurrency have confirmed that they plan to increase deposits. This will not be affected by market volatility or regulatory barriers. A third of funds that have not invested yet are thinking about it, but are waiting for the crypto asset market to become more stable. Crypto Hedge Fund Forecasts Hedge funds that invest exclusively in crypto assets have named a number of factors that become important when choosing projects. The liquidity and security of the platform play an important role. Another key factor is the strengthening of transparency and regulation of the crypto market. Investments in crypto assets are of interest to traditional hedge funds in the long term. Their contributions in 2023 remain high and will increase. The key risk factor for both traditional and crypto funds remains the lack of regulation and unreliability, abuse of project management.
Where do hedge funds invest.
Where do hedge funds invest? The largest consulting company PWC has published a new study-a report on the investments of leading hedge funds in 2023. We will discuss where they invest and what forecasts they make regarding the crypto market. Hedge Fund Investments in Cryptocurrencies 29% of traditional hedge funds will invest in crypto assets in 2023. Last year, their number was 8% more, the decline is due to the turbulence of the crypto market and global regulation. However, according to PWC experts, none of the funds investing this year intends to leave the crypto market. Trust from the point of view of the long-term perspective of crypto assets looks stable. Forecasts of traditional hedge funds 93% of hedge funds are confident that the market capitalization of crypto assets at the end of 2023 will be higher than in 2022. Hedge funds that are already investing in cryptocurrency have confirmed that they plan to increase deposits. This will not be affected by market volatility or regulatory barriers. A third of funds that have not invested yet are thinking about it, but are waiting for the crypto asset market to become more stable. Crypto Hedge Fund Forecasts Hedge funds that invest exclusively in crypto assets have named a number of factors that become important when choosing projects. The liquidity and security of the platform play an important role. Another key factor is the strengthening of transparency and regulation of the crypto market. Investments in crypto assets are of interest to traditional hedge funds in the long term. Their contributions in 2023 remain high and will increase. The key risk factor for both traditional and crypto funds remains the lack of regulation and unreliability, abuse of project management.