Может ли CrossFi решить главные проблемы крипторынка.

22 Aug 2023, 12:52
Может ли CrossFi решить главные проблемы крипторынка? Основные риски крипторынка - безопасность хранения цифровых активов, скам и фейковые токены. Обсудим, как технология CrossFi поможет решить ключевые проблемы. ✔️Риски безопасности хранения Главные проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются криптопользователи, это потеря доступа в кошелек, утеря Seed-фразы или компрометирование данных. В части EVM нового блокчейна пользователям MinePlex будет доступна функция абстракции аккаунта. Она защищает и упрощает вход в систему для пользователя. Это позволит минимизировать риски использования кошельком и аккаунтом. ✔️Мошенничество и фейковые токены В рамках экосистемы, основанной на технологии CrossFi, разрабатываются и внедряются в жизнь реальные продукты. Все монеты сети обеспечены ликвидностью. Это является одной из главных задач команды. Например, XFI будет выступать в качестве платежного средства в приложении Finance, а PLEX открывать к нему доступ. ✔️Масштабируемость Модульная архитектура блокчейна на базе Tendermint Core дает безграничные возможности масштабируемости. Это позволяет интегрировать механику любого блокчейна, использовать токены других сетей, создавать свои монеты. Главное отличие - высокая скорость транзакций. Пиковая нагрузка может достигать 1 млн операций в секунду. Мы стремимся внедрить технологию CrossFi для ежедневного пользования. Мы разрабатываем и интегрируем лучшие решения для пользователей. Спасибо, что вы с нами!

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MinePlexPLEX #4235
22 Aug 2023, 12:53
Can CrossFi solve the main problems of the crypto market? The main risks of the crypto market are the security of storing digital assets, scalability and fake tokens. Let's see how CrossFi technology will help solve key problems. ✔️ Storage security risks The main problems faced by crypto users are the loss of access to the wallet, the loss of the Seed phrase or compromising data. In the EVM part of the new blockchain, the account abstraction function will be available to MinePlex users. It protects and simplifies login for the user. This will minimize the risks of using the wallet and account. ✔️ Fraud and fake tokens Within the ecosystem based on CrossFi technology, real products are being developed and implemented. All coins of the network are provided with liquidity. This is one of the main tasks of the team. For example, XFI will act as a means of payment in the Finance application, and PLEX will open access to it. ✔️ Scalability The modular architecture of the Tendermint Core-based blockchain gives unlimited scalability possibilities. This allows you to integrate the mechanics of any blockchain, use tokens from other networks, and create your own coins. The main difference is the high speed of transactions. The peak load can reach 1 million operations per second. We intend to introduce CrossFi technology for daily use. We develop and integrate the best solutions for users. Thank you for being with us!
Can CrossFi solve the main problems of the crypto market.
Can CrossFi solve the main problems of the crypto market? The main risks of the crypto market are the security of storing digital assets, scalability and fake tokens. Let's see how CrossFi technology will help solve key problems. ✔️ Storage security risks The main problems faced by crypto users are the loss of access to the wallet, the loss of the Seed phrase or compromising data. In the EVM part of the new blockchain, the account abstraction function will be available to MinePlex users. It protects and simplifies login for the user. This will minimize the risks of using the wallet and account. ✔️ Fraud and fake tokens Within the ecosystem based on CrossFi technology, real products are being developed and implemented. All coins of the network are provided with liquidity. This is one of the main tasks of the team. For example, XFI will act as a means of payment in the Finance application, and PLEX will open access to it. ✔️ Scalability The modular architecture of the Tendermint Core-based blockchain gives unlimited scalability possibilities. This allows you to integrate the mechanics of any blockchain, use tokens from other networks, and create your own coins. The main difference is the high speed of transactions. The peak load can reach 1 million operations per second. We intend to introduce CrossFi technology for daily use. We develop and integrate the best solutions for users. Thank you for being with us!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
22 Aug 2023, 12:53
Can CrossFi solve the main problems of the crypto market? The main risks of the crypto market are the security of storing digital assets, scalability and fake tokens. Let's see how CrossFi technology will help solve key problems. ✔️ Storage security risks The main problems faced by crypto users are the loss of access to the wallet, the loss of the Seed phrase or compromising data. In the EVM part of the new blockchain, the account abstraction function will be available to MinePlex users. It protects and simplifies login for the user. This will minimize the risks of using the wallet and account. ✔️ Fraud and fake tokens Within the ecosystem based on CrossFi technology, real products are being developed and implemented. All coins of the network are provided with liquidity. This is one of the main tasks of the team. For example, XFI will act as a means of payment in the Finance application, and PLEX will open access to it. ✔️ Scalability The modular architecture of the Tendermint Core-based blockchain gives unlimited scalability possibilities. This allows you to integrate the mechanics of any blockchain, use tokens from other networks, and create your own coins. The main difference is the high speed of transactions. The peak load can reach 1 million operations per second. We intend to introduce CrossFi technology for daily use. We develop and integrate the best solutions for users. Thank you for being with us!
Can CrossFi solve the main problems of the crypto market.
Can CrossFi solve the main problems of the crypto market? The main risks of the crypto market are the security of storing digital assets, scalability and fake tokens. Let's see how CrossFi technology will help solve key problems. ✔️ Storage security risks The main problems faced by crypto users are the loss of access to the wallet, the loss of the Seed phrase or compromising data. In the EVM part of the new blockchain, the account abstraction function will be available to MinePlex users. It protects and simplifies login for the user. This will minimize the risks of using the wallet and account. ✔️ Fraud and fake tokens Within the ecosystem based on CrossFi technology, real products are being developed and implemented. All coins of the network are provided with liquidity. This is one of the main tasks of the team. For example, XFI will act as a means of payment in the Finance application, and PLEX will open access to it. ✔️ Scalability The modular architecture of the Tendermint Core-based blockchain gives unlimited scalability possibilities. This allows you to integrate the mechanics of any blockchain, use tokens from other networks, and create your own coins. The main difference is the high speed of transactions. The peak load can reach 1 million operations per second. We intend to introduce CrossFi technology for daily use. We develop and integrate the best solutions for users. Thank you for being with us!