Начисления PLEX по пропущенным циклам. Получаем сообщения, что некоторые пользователи не получили награды PLEX за стейкинг.

17 Jun 2023, 15:56
Начисления PLEX по пропущенным циклам Получаем сообщения, что некоторые пользователи не получили награды PLEX за стейкинг. Мы просим вас отправить в поддержку данные по пропущенным циклам. Мы обработаем заявки и начислим PLEX пропущенные награды. 👉Для заявки отправьте в онлайн-чат саппорта на сайте mineplex.io следующие данные: 1. Адрес/адреса ваших кошельков; 2. Список дат или циклов, по которым не было наград; 3. Ваш e-mail для обратной связи. С 19.06.2023 мы начнем обработку ваших запросов. В течение 5 рабочих дней на ваш кошелек будет произведено начисление PLEX по всем пропущенным циклам, а на указанный e-mail мы отправим уведомление об успешно выполненной операции. UPD: это касается только тех пользователей, у которых токены делегированы в пулы проекта, а не в частные!

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MinePlexPLEX #4235
17 Jun 2023, 15:57
PLEX accruals for missed cycles We receive messages that some users have not received PLEX rewards for staking. We ask you to send data on missed cycles to support. We will process the applications and add the missed PLEX awards. 👉To apply, send to the online support chat on the website mineplex.io the following data: 1. Address/addresses of your wallets; 2. A list of dates or cycles for which there were no PLEX awards; 3. Your e-mail for feedback. From Monday we will start processing your requests. Within 5 working days, all missed cycles will be credited to your wallet, and we will send a notification about the successfully completed operation to your e-mail. UPD: this only applies to those users whose tokens are delegated to project pools, and not to private ones!
PLEX accruals for missed cycles. We receive messages that some users have not received PLEX rewards for staking.
PLEX accruals for missed cycles We receive messages that some users have not received PLEX rewards for staking. We ask you to send data on missed cycles to support. We will process the applications and add the missed PLEX awards. 👉To apply, send to the online support chat on the website mineplex.io the following data: 1. Address/addresses of your wallets; 2. A list of dates or cycles for which there were no PLEX awards; 3. Your e-mail for feedback. From Monday we will start processing your requests. Within 5 working days, all missed cycles will be credited to your wallet, and we will send a notification about the successfully completed operation to your e-mail. UPD: this only applies to those users whose tokens are delegated to project pools, and not to private ones!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
17 Jun 2023, 15:56
PLEX accruals for missed cycles We receive messages that some users have not received PLEX rewards for staking. We ask you to send data on missed cycles to support. We will process the applications and add the missed PLEX awards. 👉To apply, send to the online support chat on the website mineplex.io the following data: 1. Address/addresses of your wallets; 2. A list of dates or cycles for which there were no PLEX awards; 3. Your e-mail for feedback. From Monday we will start processing your requests. Within 5 working days, all missed cycles will be credited to your wallet, and we will send a notification about the successfully completed operation to your e-mail. UPD: this only applies to those users whose tokens are delegated to project pools, and not to private ones!
PLEX accruals for missed cycles. We receive messages that some users have not received PLEX rewards for staking.
PLEX accruals for missed cycles We receive messages that some users have not received PLEX rewards for staking. We ask you to send data on missed cycles to support. We will process the applications and add the missed PLEX awards. 👉To apply, send to the online support chat on the website mineplex.io the following data: 1. Address/addresses of your wallets; 2. A list of dates or cycles for which there were no PLEX awards; 3. Your e-mail for feedback. From Monday we will start processing your requests. Within 5 working days, all missed cycles will be credited to your wallet, and we will send a notification about the successfully completed operation to your e-mail. UPD: this only applies to those users whose tokens are delegated to project pools, and not to private ones!