Победа MinePlex в топе мировых СМИ.

17 Aug 2023, 12:19
Победа MinePlex в топе мировых СМИ 18 крупнейших глобальных СМИ с общей аудиторией более 240 миллионов читателей опубликовали статьи о победе MinePlex в конкурсе Huobi на лучший крипто проект🔥 В конкурсе криптобиржи участвовали 12 проектов. В течение конкурса пользователи отдали 226 млн голосов, из них 208 млн набрал MinePlex. Это на 78% больше голосов, которое когда-либо получали проекты на конкурсе. Совсем скоро XFI будет доступен на Huobi для торговли. 👉Подробности победы читайте в самых топовых медиа: ❇️Bloomberg ❇️CoinMarketCap ❇️Benzinga ❇️ChainBits ❇️Cryptomode ❇️Chainaffairs ❇️Invezz.com ❇️NFTandGameFi ❇️DailyHodl ❇️TheBitTimes ❇️Attirer и другие.

Same news in other sources

MinePlexPLEX #4235
17 Aug 2023, 13:57
❇️Attirer and others...
Attirer. and others.
❇️Attirer https://t.co/Sx3i9SpBr0 and others...
MinePlexPLEX #4235
17 Aug 2023, 13:57
❇️TheBitTimes @thebittimescom
TheBitTimes. @thebittimescom.
❇️TheBitTimes https://t.co/ZxgPJPWYMq @thebittimescom
MinePlexPLEX #4235
17 Aug 2023, 13:57
#MinePlex comes out on the world's top media ⚡️ 18 Major Global Media with a total audience of more than 240 million readers have published articles about the victory of $XFI in the @HuobiGlobal competition for the best crypto project🔥 Let's look :👇
#MinePlex comes out on the world's top media ️.
#MinePlex comes out on the world's top media ⚡️ 18 Major Global Media with a total audience of more than 240 million readers have published articles about the victory of $XFI in the @HuobiGlobal competition for the best crypto project🔥 Let's look :👇
MinePlexPLEX #4235
17 Aug 2023, 12:21
MinePlex comes out on the world's top media 18 major global media with a total audience of more than 240 million readers have published articles about the victory of MinePlex in the Huobi competition for the best crypto project🔥 12 projects participated in the crypto exchange competition. During the contest, users gave 226 million votes, of which 208 million were scored by MinePlex. This is 78% more votes that projects have ever received in the competition. Very soon, XFI will be available on Huobi for trading. 👉Read the details of the victory in the top media: ❇️Bloomberg ❇️CoinMarketCap ❇️Benzinga ❇️ChainBits ❇️Cryptomode ❇️Chainaffairs ❇️Invezz.com ❇️NFTandGameFi ❇️DailyHodl ❇️TheBitTimes ❇️Attirer / and others.
MinePlex comes out on the world's top media.
MinePlex comes out on the world's top media 18 major global media with a total audience of more than 240 million readers have published articles about the victory of MinePlex in the Huobi competition for the best crypto project🔥 12 projects participated in the crypto exchange competition. During the contest, users gave 226 million votes, of which 208 million were scored by MinePlex. This is 78% more votes that projects have ever received in the competition. Very soon, XFI will be available on Huobi for trading. 👉Read the details of the victory in the top media: ❇️Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2023-08-15/huobi-s-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top ❇️CoinMarketCap https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64dbddeb4c3d5f175f956061/ ❇️Benzinga https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/23/08/33867031/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top ❇️ChainBits https://www.chainbits.com/press-releases/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️Cryptomode https://cryptomode.com/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️Chainaffairs https://chainaffairs.com/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️Invezz.com https://invezz.com/news/2023/08/16/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️NFTandGameFi https://nftandgamefi.com/2023/08/15/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️DailyHodl https://dailyhodl.com/2023/08/15/huobis-seventh-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️TheBitTimes https://thebittimes.com/huobi-s-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top-tbt59200.html ❇️Attirer https://www.attirer.io/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top / and others.
MinePlexPLEX #4235
17 Aug 2023, 12:21
MinePlex comes out on the world's top media 18 major global media with a total audience of more than 240 million readers have published articles about the victory of MinePlex in the Huobi competition for the best crypto project🔥 12 projects participated in the crypto exchange competition. During the contest, users gave 226 million votes, of which 208 million were scored by MinePlex. This is 78% more votes that projects have ever received in the competition. Very soon, XFI will be available on Huobi for trading. 👉Read the details of the victory in the top media: ❇️Bloomberg ❇️CoinMarketCap ❇️Benzinga ❇️ChainBits ❇️Cryptomode ❇️Chainaffairs ❇️Invezz.com ❇️NFTandGameFi ❇️DailyHodl ❇️TheBitTimes ❇️Attirer / and others.
MinePlex comes out on the world's top media.
MinePlex comes out on the world's top media 18 major global media with a total audience of more than 240 million readers have published articles about the victory of MinePlex in the Huobi competition for the best crypto project🔥 12 projects participated in the crypto exchange competition. During the contest, users gave 226 million votes, of which 208 million were scored by MinePlex. This is 78% more votes that projects have ever received in the competition. Very soon, XFI will be available on Huobi for trading. 👉Read the details of the victory in the top media: ❇️Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2023-08-15/huobi-s-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top ❇️CoinMarketCap https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64dbddeb4c3d5f175f956061/ ❇️Benzinga https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/23/08/33867031/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top ❇️ChainBits https://www.chainbits.com/press-releases/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️Cryptomode https://cryptomode.com/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️Chainaffairs https://chainaffairs.com/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️Invezz.com https://invezz.com/news/2023/08/16/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️NFTandGameFi https://nftandgamefi.com/2023/08/15/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️DailyHodl https://dailyhodl.com/2023/08/15/huobis-seventh-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top/ ❇️TheBitTimes https://thebittimes.com/huobi-s-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top-tbt59200.html ❇️Attirer https://www.attirer.io/huobis-7th-primevote-finishes-with-mineplex-xfi-coming-out-on-top / and others.