Проголосуй за листинг XFI на Huobi Global. Huobi Global проводит конкурс на самый лучший криптопроект.

21 Jun 2023, 15:32
Проголосуй за листинг XFI на Huobi Global Huobi Global проводит конкурс на самый лучший криптопроект. Проект, набравший наибольшее количество голосов, получит право залистить свою криптовалюту на Huobi. MinePlex находится среди победителей конкурса и сейчас нам нужна ваша помощь. Мы верим в силу нашего комьюнити, и вместе мы сможем залистить XFI на Huobi. Как проходит конкурс? Голосование за лучший проект проходит в три этапа: - с 20 по 26 июня участники регистрируются на бирже Huobi, создают депозит и торгуют. Каждый участник получает голос для последующего голосования за проект. - с 26 по 28 июня пройдет предварительное голосование за лучший проект. Каждый участник может отдать свой голос за проект. - с 28 по 30 июня пройдет финальное голосование. В финале будут участвовать только 4 проекта. Участники отдают голоса за свой фаворит. Как начать участвовать и помочь MinePlex победить? Чтобы участвовать прямо сейчас: 1️⃣ Отсканируйте QR-код и пройдите регистрацию аккаунта; или перейдите по ссылке: 2️⃣ Пройдите KYC L1. Для этого нужно нажать на иконку профиля (левый верхний угол) на главной страницы ➡️ пройти KYC "Уровень 1"; 3️⃣ Сделать депозит от $100 и торговать от $100 и более. Дальнейшие инструкции для победы MinePlex мы опубликуем позже. Вместе мы можем помочь XFI достигнуть невероятных вершин 🗻 Мы благодарим каждого за участие в конкурсе и помощи в листинге XFI на топовой бирже Huobi Global! Присоединяйтесь!

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MinePlexPLEX #4235
22 Jun 2023, 10:37
How to help MinePlex win the Huobi Global contest and list XFI. Detailed instructions for registering on Huobi We have prepared detailed instructions on registering on Huobi Global. Step by step told: - how to pass KYC L1 (verification), - top up your balance and buy the necessary tokens to earn Rocket votes. They will be needed to vote for MinePlex and the listing of XFI on the Huobi exchange. It is necessary to register on the exchange and replenish the balance before June 26. On June 26, at 12:00, the voting stage will begin and we will give detailed instructions on how to vote for MinePlex. 👉 Register on the exchange: 👉 Follow the instructions for passing KYC: We thank each of our partners for participating in the contest! Your support is very important to us. Together with you, we will win and list XFI on one of the most popular international crypto exchanges Huobi Global. This will create a large flow of liquidity for XFI coins and will be an impetus for its growth. Join us!
How to help MinePlex win the Huobi Global contest and list XFI. Detailed instructions for registering on Huobi.
How to help MinePlex win the Huobi Global contest and list XFI. Detailed instructions for registering on Huobi We have prepared detailed instructions on registering on Huobi Global. Step by step told: - how to pass KYC L1 (verification), - top up your balance and buy the necessary tokens to earn Rocket votes. They will be needed to vote for MinePlex and the listing of XFI on the Huobi exchange. It is necessary to register on the exchange and replenish the balance before June 26. On June 26, at 12:00, the voting stage will begin and we will give detailed instructions on how to vote for MinePlex. 👉 Register on the exchange: https://www.huobi.com.ro/en-us/v/register/double-invite?inviter_id=11345710&invite_code=74xw7223&id=10029&lang=en-us&t=1687430073755 👉 Follow the instructions for passing KYC: https://telegra.ph/Instructions-for-voting-for-MinePlex-on-Huobi-Global-part-1-06-22 We thank each of our partners for participating in the contest! Your support is very important to us. Together with you, we will win and list XFI on one of the most popular international crypto exchanges Huobi Global. This will create a large flow of liquidity for XFI coins and will be an impetus for its growth. Join us!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
22 Jun 2023, 10:37
How to help MinePlex win the Huobi Global contest and list XFI. Detailed instructions for registering on Huobi We have prepared detailed instructions on registering on Huobi Global. Step by step told: - how to pass KYC L1 (verification), - top up your balance and buy the necessary tokens to earn Rocket votes. They will be needed to vote for MinePlex and the listing of XFI on the Huobi exchange. It is necessary to register on the exchange and replenish the balance before June 26. On June 26, at 12:00, the voting stage will begin and we will give detailed instructions on how to vote for MinePlex. 👉 Register on the exchange: 👉 Follow the instructions for passing KYC: We thank each of our partners for participating in the contest! Your support is very important to us. Together with you, we will win and list XFI on one of the most popular international crypto exchanges Huobi Global. This will create a large flow of liquidity for XFI coins and will be an impetus for its growth. Join us!
How to help MinePlex win the Huobi Global contest and list XFI. Detailed instructions for registering on Huobi.
How to help MinePlex win the Huobi Global contest and list XFI. Detailed instructions for registering on Huobi We have prepared detailed instructions on registering on Huobi Global. Step by step told: - how to pass KYC L1 (verification), - top up your balance and buy the necessary tokens to earn Rocket votes. They will be needed to vote for MinePlex and the listing of XFI on the Huobi exchange. It is necessary to register on the exchange and replenish the balance before June 26. On June 26, at 12:00, the voting stage will begin and we will give detailed instructions on how to vote for MinePlex. 👉 Register on the exchange: https://www.huobi.com.ro/en-us/v/register/double-invite?inviter_id=11345710&invite_code=74xw7223&id=10029&lang=en-us&t=1687430073755 👉 Follow the instructions for passing KYC: https://telegra.ph/Instructions-for-voting-for-MinePlex-on-Huobi-Global-part-1-06-22 We thank each of our partners for participating in the contest! Your support is very important to us. Together with you, we will win and list XFI on one of the most popular international crypto exchanges Huobi Global. This will create a large flow of liquidity for XFI coins and will be an impetus for its growth. Join us!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
22 Jun 2023, 08:26
Как помочь MinePlex победить на конкурсе Huobi Global и залистить XFI. Подробная инструкция для регистрации на Huobi Мы подготовили подробную инструкцию о регистрации на Huobi Global. Пошагово рассказали: - как пройти KYC L1 (верификацию), - пополнить баланс и купить необходимые монеты для начисления голосов Rocket. Именно они будут необходимы для голосования за MinePlex и листинг XFI на бирже Huobi. Зарегистрироваться на бирже и пополнить баланс необходимо до 26 июня. 26 июня в 12:00 начнется этап голосования и мы дадим подробную инструкцию как голосовать за MinePlex. 👉Зарегистрироваться на бирже: 👉Следовать инструкции по прохождению KYC: Мы благодарим каждого нашего партнера за участие в конкурсе! Нам очень важная ваша поддержка. Вместе с вами мы выиграем и залистим XFI на одной из самых популярных международных криптобирж Huobi Global. Это создаст большой поток ликвидности для монет XFI и станет толчком для его роста. Присоединяйтесь!
Как помочь MinePlex победить на конкурсе Huobi Global и залистить XFI. Подробная инструкция для регистрации на Huobi.
Как помочь MinePlex победить на конкурсе Huobi Global и залистить XFI. Подробная инструкция для регистрации на Huobi Мы подготовили подробную инструкцию о регистрации на Huobi Global. Пошагово рассказали: - как пройти KYC L1 (верификацию), - пополнить баланс и купить необходимые монеты для начисления голосов Rocket. Именно они будут необходимы для голосования за MinePlex и листинг XFI на бирже Huobi. Зарегистрироваться на бирже и пополнить баланс необходимо до 26 июня. 26 июня в 12:00 начнется этап голосования и мы дадим подробную инструкцию как голосовать за MinePlex. 👉Зарегистрироваться на бирже: https://www.huobi.com.ro/ru-ru/v/register/double-invite/?inviter_id=11345710&invite_code=74xw7223 👉Следовать инструкции по прохождению KYC: https://telegra.ph/Instrukciya-dlya-golosovaniya-za-MinePlex-na-Huobi-chast-1-06-21 Мы благодарим каждого нашего партнера за участие в конкурсе! Нам очень важная ваша поддержка. Вместе с вами мы выиграем и залистим XFI на одной из самых популярных международных криптобирж Huobi Global. Это создаст большой поток ликвидности для монет XFI и станет толчком для его роста. Присоединяйтесь!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
21 Jun 2023, 15:33
Vote for XFI listing on Huobi Global Huobi Global is holding a competition for the best crypto project. The project with the highest number of votes will get the right to list its cryptocurrency on Huobi. MinePlex is among the winners of the contest and now we need your help. We believe in the power of our community, and together we will be able to list XFI on Huobi. How is the competition going? Voting for the best project takes place in three stages: - From June 20 to 26, participants register on the Huobi exchange, create a deposit and trade. Each participant receives a vote for subsequent voting for the project. - A preliminary vote for the best project will be held from June 26 to 28. Each participant can vote for the project. - the final vote will be held from June 28 to June 30. Only 4 projects will participate in the final. Participants cast votes for their favorite. How do I get involved and help MinePlex win? To participate right now: 1️⃣ Scan the QR code and register your account; 2️⃣ Pass KYC L1. To do this, click on the profile icon (upper left corner) on the main page ➡️ pass KYC "Level 1"; 3️⃣ Make a deposit of $100 and trade from $100 or more. We will publish further instructions for winning MinePlex later. Together we can help XFI reach incredible heights. 🗻 We thank everyone for participating in the contest and helping us list XFI on the top Huobi Global exchange! Join us!
Vote for XFI listing on Huobi Global. Huobi Global is holding a competition for the best crypto project.
Vote for XFI listing on Huobi Global Huobi Global is holding a competition for the best crypto project. The project with the highest number of votes will get the right to list its cryptocurrency on Huobi. MinePlex is among the winners of the contest and now we need your help. We believe in the power of our community, and together we will be able to list XFI on Huobi. How is the competition going? Voting for the best project takes place in three stages: - From June 20 to 26, participants register on the Huobi exchange, create a deposit and trade. Each participant receives a vote for subsequent voting for the project. - A preliminary vote for the best project will be held from June 26 to 28. Each participant can vote for the project. - the final vote will be held from June 28 to June 30. Only 4 projects will participate in the final. Participants cast votes for their favorite. How do I get involved and help MinePlex win? To participate right now: 1️⃣ Scan the QR code and register your account; 2️⃣ Pass KYC L1. To do this, click on the profile icon (upper left corner) on the main page ➡️ pass KYC "Level 1"; 3️⃣ Make a deposit of $100 and trade from $100 or more. We will publish further instructions for winning MinePlex later. Together we can help XFI reach incredible heights. 🗻 We thank everyone for participating in the contest and helping us list XFI on the top Huobi Global exchange! Join us!
MinePlexPLEX #4235
21 Jun 2023, 15:33
Vote for XFI listing on Huobi Global Huobi Global is holding a competition for the best crypto project. The project with the highest number of votes will get the right to list its cryptocurrency on Huobi. MinePlex is among the winners of the contest and now we need your help. We believe in the power of our community, and together we will be able to list XFI on Huobi. How is the competition going? Voting for the best project takes place in three stages: - From June 20 to 26, participants register on the Huobi exchange, create a deposit and trade. Each participant receives a vote for subsequent voting for the project. - A preliminary vote for the best project will be held from June 26 to 28. Each participant can vote for the project. - the final vote will be held from June 28 to June 30. Only 4 projects will participate in the final. Participants cast votes for their favorite. How do I get involved and help MinePlex win? To participate right now: 1️⃣ Scan the QR code and register your account; 2️⃣ Pass KYC L1. To do this, click on the profile icon (upper left corner) on the main page ➡️ pass KYC "Level 1"; 3️⃣ Make a deposit of $100 and trade from $100 or more. We will publish further instructions for winning MinePlex later. Together we can help XFI reach incredible heights. 🗻 We thank everyone for participating in the contest and helping us list XFI on the top Huobi Global exchange! Join us!
Vote for XFI listing on Huobi Global. Huobi Global is holding a competition for the best crypto project.
Vote for XFI listing on Huobi Global Huobi Global is holding a competition for the best crypto project. The project with the highest number of votes will get the right to list its cryptocurrency on Huobi. MinePlex is among the winners of the contest and now we need your help. We believe in the power of our community, and together we will be able to list XFI on Huobi. How is the competition going? Voting for the best project takes place in three stages: - From June 20 to 26, participants register on the Huobi exchange, create a deposit and trade. Each participant receives a vote for subsequent voting for the project. - A preliminary vote for the best project will be held from June 26 to 28. Each participant can vote for the project. - the final vote will be held from June 28 to June 30. Only 4 projects will participate in the final. Participants cast votes for their favorite. How do I get involved and help MinePlex win? To participate right now: 1️⃣ Scan the QR code and register your account; 2️⃣ Pass KYC L1. To do this, click on the profile icon (upper left corner) on the main page ➡️ pass KYC "Level 1"; 3️⃣ Make a deposit of $100 and trade from $100 or more. We will publish further instructions for winning MinePlex later. Together we can help XFI reach incredible heights. 🗻 We thank everyone for participating in the contest and helping us list XFI on the top Huobi Global exchange! Join us!