Во Вьетнаме завершилась серия масштабных мероприятий, посвященных технологии CrossFi.

16 Jul 2023, 16:16
📚 Во Вьетнаме завершилась серия масштабных мероприятий, посвященных технологии CrossFi. Нетворкинги, презентации новых монет и возможностей компании, обучение от блокчейн-специалиста Владимира Родинка, - прошли сразу в трех городах страны. 🌐 Халонг, Ханой и Хошимин объединили активных пользователей криптовалюты и тех, кому интересны децентрализованные финансы. А также привлекли около 1000 новых пользователей в комьюнити. Все они смогли насладиться не только красочным праздником от Вьетнамской команды, но и погрузиться в мир технологий вместе с MinePlex. Как это было❓ Смотрите в видео-отчете 👆 📲 Канал | YouTube | Веб🌐

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MinePlexPLEX #4235
16 Jul 2023, 16:17
📚A series of large-scale events dedicated to CrossFi technology has ended in Vietnam. Networking, presentations of new coins and company capabilities, training from blockchain specialist Vladimir Rodinka took place in three cities of the country at once. 🌐 Ha Long, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City brought together active cryptocurrency users and those who are interested in decentralized finance. They also attracted about 1000 new users to the community. All of them were able to enjoy not only a colorful holiday from the Vietnamese team, but also immerse themselves in the world of technology with MinePlex. How was it❓ Watch the video 👆 📲 Channel | YouTube | Web🌐
A series of large-scale events dedicated to CrossFi technology has ended in Vietnam.
📚A series of large-scale events dedicated to CrossFi technology has ended in Vietnam. Networking, presentations of new coins and company capabilities, training from blockchain specialist Vladimir Rodinka took place in three cities of the country at once. 🌐 Ha Long, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City brought together active cryptocurrency users and those who are interested in decentralized finance. They also attracted about 1000 new users to the community. All of them were able to enjoy not only a colorful holiday from the Vietnamese team, but also immerse themselves in the world of technology with MinePlex. How was it❓ Watch the video 👆 📲 Channel | YouTube | Web🌐
MinePlexPLEX #4235
16 Jul 2023, 16:17
📚A series of large-scale events dedicated to CrossFi technology has ended in Vietnam. Networking, presentations of new coins and company capabilities, training from blockchain specialist Vladimir Rodinka took place in three cities of the country at once. 🌐 Ha Long, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City brought together active cryptocurrency users and those who are interested in decentralized finance. They also attracted about 1000 new users to the community. All of them were able to enjoy not only a colorful holiday from the Vietnamese team, but also immerse themselves in the world of technology with MinePlex. How was it❓ Watch the video 👆 📲 Channel | YouTube | Web🌐
A series of large-scale events dedicated to CrossFi technology has ended in Vietnam.
📚A series of large-scale events dedicated to CrossFi technology has ended in Vietnam. Networking, presentations of new coins and company capabilities, training from blockchain specialist Vladimir Rodinka took place in three cities of the country at once. 🌐 Ha Long, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City brought together active cryptocurrency users and those who are interested in decentralized finance. They also attracted about 1000 new users to the community. All of them were able to enjoy not only a colorful holiday from the Vietnamese team, but also immerse themselves in the world of technology with MinePlex. How was it❓ Watch the video 👆 📲 Channel | YouTube | Web🌐